What's The Wifi Called? | Teen Ink

What's The Wifi Called?

May 7, 2013
By Nick Bellinson BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Nick Bellinson BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What’s The Wifi Called?

Before the “age of technology” to find something out, you had to make a journey to the library, now
you can just type it into your search bar.

Technology in schools can help not only benefit the students, but anyone who works there or even
goes there for any reason can benefit from technology in the school building.

Schools all over the country have already started to implement technology into their environment.
Tons of different devices are already being used, such as: computers, iPads (or any other tablet),
children are sometimes allowed to use their phones, smart boards/interactive boards, etc. All of
these things are easy to include in a school’s regular routine. In short, they need to be included
in all schools regular routine so that technology can benefit everyone.

You have technology, but what do you use it for that benefits everyone? Staff can use it to make
attendance easier. Teachers can find stuff on the internet to help improve their lesson. Kids can
use it to type documents, make photo stories or short films, make presentations; the list goes on
and on. More importantly, one of the biggest ways to use technology that benefits everyone is just
having access to the internet. This is impossible without technology. You can find anything on the
internet, evidence for papers/essays, videos that can explain things in a simple way, pictures of
things that go along with a lesson, virtually anything can be found on the internet. Technology can
be used for an endless amount of things.

You have technology and you know what to use it for, but why exactly are you using it?
How does it benefit anyone? Most kids will often pay attention to any screen they see, whether it’s
an iPad or a smart board. For the reason that, it’s extremely interesting to them. So, when you
implement a screen into a lesson with technology the students will pay closer attention. For
example, when I see a newspaper I don’t really have interest in it, but when I see news on a
computer or iPad I instantly want to read the article or at least know what it’s about. In
addition, kids would rather see something than just listen to their teacher talk about it. Imagine
you're in a class and your teacher or professor is talking about a redwood tree or a polar bear, it
gets really boring just to hear him talk about it, right? Wouldn’t you want to see it? Searching
for it on the internet is probably the best way to do just that. You don’t have to take a field
trip, you don’t
have to go to the library to check out a book with a picture of it, all you have to do is just make
a few left clicks and a little bit of typing and there you go. There’s your redwood tree or you
polar bear.

Everywhere I searched (on the internet, a benefit of technology) to find benefits of technology
says that students will always get bored of their teachers just talking, on and on and on, they
would much rather see pictures or watch a video. Technology allows you to do that. Teachers,
students... anyone who goes to a school on a daily basis needs to include technology into their
Bellinson 2
day. Technology opens up a completely new world. It lets you see things you’ve never seen before,
read things you’ve never read before, hear new things, draw new things, and just about anything can
be done with technology. Therefore, students, and staff need to be able to have access to all of
these benefits. Technology does improve a school, whether you like it or not.

At the same time, technology engages me in a lesson. When I am sitting in a class and my teacher is
blabbering on about some nonsense, I don’t really care to listen, but as soon as he/she turns on
the computer I am ready to learn. Furthermore, students who are more engaged in a class will do
better. So, if technology is what it takes, why not? I have noticed that whenever I am in a class
and we are doing an activity with technology the students are always eager to open up the computer,
or turn on the iPad, or do something with the smart board, showing that students/kids love
technology and it also engages them much more. That’s just how it is. Again, if students are more
engaged in a lesson, they will be more successful in the class, and technology guarantees
involvement. This one benefit of technology is a huge benefit of technology.

Some people like to argue that technology often gets kids sidetracked and they start playing games
or doing any other unnecessary things. Yes, sometimes kids like to play games on a computer or
tablet, but no matter what they are eventually going to need to get their work done, whether they
do it on their own time or they do it when they have a chance in school, that’s their choice.
Although technology can be used for non-educational, pointless purposes it can also be used in very
substantial ways. Plus, games can also be educational and that is another huge way to teach a class
and engage kids in that class.

With all of this possibly new information boggling around in your head, aren’t you wondering why
technology isn’t in every single school in the country? My experience with technology in my school
environment has showed me that technology will not only make new ways to learn, but it will grow
the actual amount of learning done by students. Technology has a huge impact
on students. A good impact.

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