Don’t Stop Fighting Until We’re Equal | Teen Ink

Don’t Stop Fighting Until We’re Equal

May 7, 2013
By Ava Abbo BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Ava Abbo BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry someone I love and want to marry. I can’t imagine how that must feel. I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”- Carrie Underwood

In our country, same-sex marriage has been viewed in many different ways. While some people support it, many do not. Whether or not it is based on religious perspectives or simply personal opinion, it is a topic that remains very controversial especially in light of the recent Supreme Court hearings on the issue.

Some relevant court cases are that the Supreme Court has been handed federal benefits to legalize same sex marriage. Not promising anything, the justices gave a strong indication they might resolve eight cases on procedural grounds, but even that would be viewed as a win for gay rights activists This case has the potential for the court to take a significant step toward endorsing gay marriage as it gains support in some parts of the country.

Despite the controversy, some states have already passed laws recognizing same-sex marriage. These states include: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington D.C., New York, Washington, Maine, Maryland, Rhode Island. However, many people are not pleased with this decision. This controversy is causing other states to consider whether or not they should follow. This decision is not only being argued by the Supreme Court but by the people as well.

Most people look at same-sex marriage as going against most religious beliefs and look on it as a sin. In the Christian religion, there are passages that many people believe refer to homosexuality as unnatural and a sin against God. This is one main reason that prevents people from accepting the new laws regarding gay marriage. However, if God truly felt this way why would he allow people to have their own minds, feelings and actions. The ability to decide for themselves and what fells right for them.

Despite what other people have to say on this topic, I believe that same-sex marriage should not only be allowed but embraced. People should look at gay couples as any other couples who just want the same rights as anyone else. While many people look at it as going against God’s word, I feel God would approve if people are loving each other and accepting themselves as they are. People claim America is “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” but if America truly was “land of the free” wouldn’t that mean we would all have an equal opportunity to publicly marry who we want?

While this is a national issue being debated by courts all over the country, there is something you can do to help. Many celebrities such as Ellen Degeneres and Anne Hathaway have a website called where you can go and sign a petition supporting same-sex marriage which will be sent to the President and Congress. If you want to support this cause, please sign this petition because everyone should have the opportunity to marry who they want. Only then can we truly call ourselves the “land of the free.”

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When i read news article on this topic

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