The American Dream | Teen Ink

The American Dream

October 22, 2013
By Morgan Sharp BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Morgan Sharp BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The American Dream

The American Dream: The result of a country founded on the genocide of one race and the enslavement of another. Yet people still call it a “dream”. I would call it the American Nightmare, because it’s a vicious cycle of poverty that has convinced the people they’re getting somewhere. “Lost time is never found again.” (Ben Franklin) is a perfect example of an explanation to fix this cycle. If people understand that they can think for themselves and make their own decisions to affect what happens in their lives, I am almost 100% positive that they would take that opportunity. Unfortunately, the American Dream is actually the American Wish. People spend time pondering the actions of politicians wishing that they would do something to fix the economy, fix foreign policy, fix all these things that are wrong with the world. In my mind, that’s the worst way to go about that. In my mind, action needs to be taken by the people that are smart enough to know what’s going on. People need to start a massive movement speaking out against media propaganda, corrupt politicians and the people paying off those politicians to make the decisions that they do. “We'll bake the earth, we'll brown & serve it, saute it, simmer it, sear it, fondue it, George foreman grill it. We might one day bring the earth to a boil & pull it like taffy.” (Maureen Dowd) This in itself explains how that happens; Resources. We absolutely rape this planet of its resources. Some may argue, “Well I’m not the one taking those resources so it’s not my responsibility that other people are greedy.” To that I say, you are completely responsible for the sanity and well being of the people around you, so that definitely applies to the mass genocide of our forests and the massive amounts of sewage and pollution that gets dumped into our oceans. But that is where the American Dream comes into play, along with capitalism we get this feeling that if we work hard enough one day we will make it somewhere and be big shots. The problem with this is the people who had this idea a long time ago, wanted to keep the power that they had earned. At the time they had this power, that wasn’t very hard to do, and some people got REALLY rich on the idea of capitalism. Eventually time goes on and that power shifts... right? Nope. The descendants of those people are now the keepers of that power and that’s why whatever they want to happen, does happen. “Americans are the western pilgrims who are carrying along with them that great mass of arts, sciences, vigor, & industry which began long since in the east.” (De Crevecoeur) It is this idea that makes this possible. The patriotism of America is its very seed of ignorance. The American people have been fed the media’s garbage and manipulated into thinking that they are number one in the world, when that is so far from true it makes me sick. People believe that since we made that leap of detachment from our European counterparts that we are better than them! I have witnessed it first hand! People are cowardice, racist, and are so arrogant that they have convinced themselves otherwise.

“Lost time is never found again.” (Ben Franklin) This quote is a very concept that people don’t usually learn until it’s too late. If you miss out on the opportunity to escape the system, then you get trapped, and part of that is getting a high school education. Education is purely opportunity. Unfortunately, it’s an opportunity that has a screwed up ultimatum. It gives you an endless amount of doors to open, but the slightest misstep will leave certain doors closed. With this messed up system, those doors can never be opened again. The cycle of poverty continues to overpopulate our cities; in turn, using more and more resources from this planet. “We'll bake the earth, we'll brown & serve it, saute it, simmer it, sear it, fondue it, George foreman grill it. We might one day bring the earth to a boil & pull it like taffy.” (Maureen Dowd) The earth is the place that enables us to live. I believe we should respect it enough to not speed up its own predestined demize. So, the idea of lost opportunities never being found again and us siphoning this planet of its resources should go hand and hand. Unfortunately, people don’t understand this and continue to do whatever they please. It’s pretty pathetic, sad, disgusting.. I couldn't find a way to describe it in words if I wanted to. But with the way humans are wired, the most we can do in this society is inform the misinformed and try to spread the word. But in the end, even that usually doesn't matter because of the willingness of people to ignore these problems presented to them.

“Americans are the western pilgrims who are carrying along with them that great mass of arts, sciences, vigor, & industry which began long since in the east.” (De Crevecoeur) Americans back in the day were far from being pilgrims, they were murderers. This is the sickening idea that makes the entire cycle work. This motivational depiction of our ancestors ideas would seem like a great thing. However, This motivation is manipulated to make people work their entire lives and in the end have nothing but the experience of being a borderline slave to show for it. People feed on the “American Dream” hoping that one day they’ll invent something, or win the lottery, or make enough money from their bullshit job to start a business. But even if they do start that business, a bigger company in the same industry will buy it out and everything will reassume its neutrality. The Television Media plays a huge role in this as well. The amount of T.V that people watch is ridiculous; it becomes a lot of peoples’ base of knowledge and that’s pretty depressing, to say the very least.
To summarize, It’s a huge cycle that begins with education, and until we fix that factor, we can’t focus on anything else because people need to become informed, not lied to by the people who are supposed to be teaching them. Text books aren’t properly updated within schools; schools are formulated to a standard but every child is an individual. The classrooms are too crowded so they become destined to be a slave to the system simply from not getting the help they need. I’d believe the Capitalist Dream is a great idea, if used correctly with shifts between power. People, unfortunately, are incapable of accomplishing this so it becomes a terrible idea when put into play. Not because the idea of being a strong and wealthy figure is bad; but because in todays’ society there are too many people and shifts in power can’t operate within a fair basis for every individual’s life. That’s a bit of my perception, anyway.

The author's comments:
My teacher brought this essay topic to me. At first I really didn't think much of it, but being somebody who has experienced both ends of the education system. I felt it was my... duty? To write something that other people in similar situations will be able to learn from. You see, I started out as really.. a screw up. I started out high school like any normal freshman, scared out of my mind because of the unknown. Eventually, I fell into this trap known as "trying to be a cool kid". Went completely out of my way to say f school.
This mindset got me no-where, way too fast. But whilst i was stuck in my ways, I was able to see what it was like "down-under" so to say.
These people that end up becoming victims to the system are ridiculously smart. Much like I was, they are on the right track, just the wrong train. The demotivation that becomes quite apparent on these kids aren't from what the T.V. media perceives them to be to the public. It's from the school system not being properly updated to fit these kids' learning abilities. Kids don't get the proper help they need, they feel that their school system is shit so the education from that school is shit too, so why go?! Eventually they end up with the wrong friends. But, This is exactly the mindset that runs through every teenagers head that is ditching class sitting somewhere smoking a cigarette thinking about how their life is f*ed and they have no control over it.
That's where I said, I can do something about this. I can quit this cycle that the government and media thinks i'm a part of. I told myself, I am not going to become another stupid statistic. And then, I did something about it. I got my shit together, I paid for summer school, recovered all my failed classes from the years before hand, and now i'm a student with all A's and B's writing a paper not even a year after, to help people realize that you can get out of this governments control. The only thing is, YOU have to do it. Nobody is gonna do it for you. As soon as you realize that, the path towards a better life just begins...

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