China Shoots for the Moon | Teen Ink

China Shoots for the Moon

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

When one hears of someone traveling to the moon, we often say to ourselves, "Hasn't that milestone already been reached?" In the article "China Shoots for the Moon. We Should Join Them.", author Phil Plait explains how lacking our country is in inspiration and passion to explore space. In just a few weeks, China's new rover will be traveling the moon's surface, collecting and gathering useful information and resources. Plait argues that our nation has always been a leader in the exploration of the unknown, and has pushed the limits to where and what men can do. In current times, however, all Plait sees is our pioneering spirit being dampened by politics, and stunted by lack of vision. With NASA shut down and funding from the government cut off, exploring the reaches of our universe looks very grim for the United States.

Ever since I was a kid, America was always number one in my mind. The power and strength behind our great nation was such that matched no one else, and we led the world in science, engineering, and space exploration. For me, the American spirit was that anything was possible, and that was reflected in everything we did. Along with Plait, the recent shutdown of the NASA program was a bit of a letdown, considering that the age of space exploration was most certainly not over. Once we landed the first few men on the moon, it seemed as though that was all there was to do. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. For the past couple years, many countries including Russia, Japan, China, and Germany have continued to take huge steps in terms of space, and have never given up on the possibilities that can come from exploring the place where our planet dwells.

Although government plans for space exploration have been shutdown, many private companies, such as SpaceX and Virgin Galactic, are continuing to pave the way in space travel. Plait, and many Americans alike, are hoping this latest Chinese effort will rekindle a desire and passion in America that we once again can be leaders in exploration and adventure.

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