Be Aware | Teen Ink

Be Aware

January 6, 2014
By Joseph Masker BRONZE, Linden PA, Pennsylvania
Joseph Masker BRONZE, Linden PA, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think teens share too much on social networks, because they share info with Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and You Now, and My space.

Some people take other people’s pictures and then they make new accounts and then they act like you are friends or family or whoever,and when they act like you are friends when they're really not.They try to be your best friend when they are not , So thats why you have to change your settings on different web sites. So people don’t give out your info to anyone that you don’t know. And please don’t talk to people you don’t know and listen to me there are people out there that could kill you or even rape you or even rob you. So please don’t do stupid things that could get you killed.

That’s why I think teens share too much information on different web sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, You Now, and My Space. I think people should change their privacy settings. There are many different web sites that can trick you saying there's no GPS when there really is a GPS on every web sites. So make sure you change your privacy setting on everything, even on your phone, and on you computer, and all of your game systems. I know I changed my settings because I got hacked on all of them and got friends on my accounts that I did not know who it was; so I messaged them and, asked “Who are you?”

And they said, “I’m a friend that sits by you at school.”
And I said, “What school do u go to?”
And he said, “Lyco- valley. Why?”
I said, “I go to a different school then u.”
He asked me, “Where school do u go to?”
I said “ I had to go because my mom called for me to help her with dinner.”
And he said “Okay.”
And then I told my mom what happened and she asked me, “ What did you say to him.”
So I said, “ I had to go because you called me to help you with dinner why?”
She said, “ Good for you, because you don’t know how could be out there. Like there are people that can kill you or rape you or even rob you”
I said “ Well it’s a good thing I told him I had to go so I can help you with cooking dinner…. so what do you need help with?” And she said “ Nothing right now but go play ps2 or something.” And I said “ Okay.”
Ten minutes later my mom called me into the dining room and said “ What was good on Facebook today?
“ I said nothing as usual.”

“ She said well be careful with what you say or post on Facebook for now on, Okay or just change your settings on everything… Even your phone and your game system Okay. I said ” Okay, but why? ”

She said “ Because you don’t know who is out there that can kill you or rape you or who can take you away from me.. So please change your settings just for me Okay.”

So I told her Okay I will because I don’t want to get taken away from you guys.

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