My Opinion | Teen Ink

My Opinion

January 6, 2014
By Ahillgirl BRONZE, Williamsport PA, Pennsylvania
Ahillgirl BRONZE, Williamsport PA, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do we share too much on social networks? my opinion is yes teens are sharing too much on social networks. They are unaware of the many dangers lurking in the cyber world

First, some may argue that social networks are safe, but they are wrong! Social networks are dangerous and becoming even more dangerous like Facebook, Instagram, texting and more. For safety you need to change your privacy settings because you could get sexually assaulted, also it could lead to bullying and being embarrassed.

Second, changing your privacy settings can help out. Why- because strangers can view your profile, hack your profile, and also screen shot/ save your photos. They can find out who your friends are and get info about you and your personal life, and anyone can find out where your pictures are taken and where you are located. But that can always change by the click of a button and set your privacy setting to “only friends” (its just that simple).

Third, by adding things to make the internet and social networks “better” it is not working. They think they are making it better but in reality we have to be smarter because they really are not making it safer for us. More and more young teens are putting things online that shouldn’t be there. I would put it like this, if you won’t let your parents see it- then you shouldn’t show anyone else. And nobody wants to be a “goody- good” but honestly it’s for your own good.

To conclude, we must all work together and tell our friends about the dangers on social networks and be aware of what you post on them. You never know the many dangers lurking in the cyber world.

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