Terrorism, How Will We Survive It? | Teen Ink

Terrorism, How Will We Survive It?

January 8, 2014
By Habesha_King_04 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Habesha_King_04 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It doesn’t change throughout the world. It is meant to bring terror. To destroy. To kill. Although its rarity varies between countries, terrorism occurs all around the world. Most countries that have a good government and security will find it uncommon to have acts of terrorism done to them. Countries that have a bad government or that are at war are more vulnerable to an act of terrorism.
Why are terrorist doing this?
Why won’t they stop?
Why won’t anyone stop them?
These are just some of the thoughts and questions that a person may have who have been affected by an act of terrorism. Terrorism can affect a person physically. It can affect a person mentally.
But it’s always for the worst.
Imagine waking up getting ready for work on a beautiful morning. As you eat breakfast with your family, you plan for the day ahead. You are thinking it is going to be an amazing day. You are typing a report for work, when you hear a big boom. You look up from your computer and see flames, smoke, and terror in everyone around you. Your wife is at home watching the news when she sees that there has been a bombing right next to your workplace. She tries to call you but you won’t pick up your phone. She gets worried about you but she can’t do anything but sit and wait, praying that you are safe. You survive but others are not so lucky. Many people have died or have life threatening injuries including the innocent children, preparing for a normal school day. Parents are devastated. Loved ones are gone. The people surrounding you are broken hearted. It is too much to take in.
But she finds out that people all over the world experience this devastation. People in different parts of the world who are not as fortunate. People that have even worse government and security. She feels sorry for those who have went through even worse. She feels sorry for the people that have been scarred by this incident more than once. She feels sorry for these people, and wished she could do something.
What would you think?
In the U.S it is very rare that we see an act of terrorism done, compared to the other, suffering countries. Over the years we have had our few encounters with terrorism in the U.S, yet it is still infrequent. Because of our high security, military forces, and the government, terrorism is usually not a threat. But, sometimes, even with all of our well developed security, it’s still not enough to protect us from those few terrorism attacks that slip by.
In my lifetime I have experienced two terrorist attacks close by from where I live in the U.S. Those two terrorist attacks are the World Trade Center attack in New York City and the Boston marathon bombing. The World Trade Center attack happened on September 11, 2001 when I was only one year old, so it didn’t really have that big an impact on me. The Boston marathon bombing happened on April 15, 2013 which is when I was thirteen. Because I was mature and old enough, I was able to comprehend and reflect on the tragedy that had just occurred.
But one thing really stuck with me.
Although these acts of terrorism are supposed to tear people apart, I saw that it brought the community together in a way that I have never seen before. Even though this is a good thing, I am not sure if the sacrifice was worth it.
Others might say it was.
Thousands of people have died from terrorism in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of people have died from terrorism around the world. With all these tragedies terrorism it is difficult to understand why it is still happening. There are some main reasons behind why these events happen.
A country that has an unstable, corrupt, and ineffective government can lead to these acts of terror. The government is really the biggest reason for most terrorist attacks. The government is in charge of making sure it’s country has everything it needs and a good place for it’s citizens. When the government is bad and fails, then the country will do the same. From a bad government comes poverty and unemployment. As, these peoples desperations are forced to the max, they confide in a group that will damage the world like no one has ever seen. The food for they are given in reward of joining this class of human being, is what they and their families need to survive.
A persons religious beliefs can drive people to terrorism as well. Some terrorist groups do the things they do because of their religion and they believe that it is in their religions destiny to achieve this incomprehensible act of destruction. Terrorist groups have had more access to lethal weapons now more than ever, increasing their ability to create lethal damage. People willing to risk their life for their beliefs such as Suicide bombers have the ability to enter a place without anybody knowing that their lives are in danger.
Until, of course, it’s too late.
In what ways have you been affected by terrorism? By granting countries in need of structure, government, and courage, the things we are lucky enough to have, it will build the economy to a level without poverty, and make the country a better place for it’s citizens. The only way that this is going to work effectively, is through patience, willingness and peace. But can we really be patient as our community is being destroyed? Can we really be willing to change those who demolished our society? Can we really keep at peace, as we watch our buildings tumble to the ground?
We can.

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