The Betterment of the United States is Endangered by Gun Control | Teen Ink

The Betterment of the United States is Endangered by Gun Control

January 26, 2014
By ramsey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ramsey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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The Betterment of the United States is Endangered by Gun Control

Is it possible for gun violence to end without limitations on gun usage/ownership? It actually is. Although people see the news and are informed of gruesome murders on a daily basis, it’s not going to stop if gun control laws are put in place. It’s proven that crime-prone cities have not been able to stop violence by firearms while setting gun limitations, and that “gun-free” zones have failed to meet expectations and allow vulnerability to persist. Citizens constantly blame guns for gun violence, but they’re blinded of the fact that allowing themselves and others to practice their own freedom may truly lead to a safer nation.
According to Chuck Baldwin of Renew America, many states have been dubbed as “gun-free” zones. To clarify, “gun-free” zones, in this case, are states that have laws in place that are targeted to lessen the appearance/relevance of guns. Seen as a restriction on guns, Washington D.C. enforced itself as a “gun-free” zone. Moreover, its purpose was not sought out entirely. A previous mass murder by Aaron Alexis questions the true value of “gun-free” zones and their effectiveness. Furthermore, using common sense, people are able to protect themselves by the use of a firearm. If a licensed firearm owner is threatened by a criminal such as a robber, (s) he may feel the need to defend him/herself and fire at the threatening force by using a gun. Gun control laws are stealing this method of safety from citizens.

First, “gun-free” zones are thought to prevent violence, but they have not effectively held out their jobs. According to Chuck Baldwin of Renew America, Aaron Alexis used a shotgun to carry through a mass-murder in Washington D.C., a supposed “gun-free” zone. The whole point of a “gun-free” zone is to allow citizens to go about their day without feeling in danger of being shot or killed. Now, not one single person would want to feel ‘free/safe,’ and end up dying because the cause to buy a firearm seems implausible. As Ken Fredette states on Bangor Daily News, “Here in Maine, we rank 49th among the states for violent crime and have the second-highest rate of gun ownership.” Maine ranks high in gun ownership, but by surprise, it ranks second-to-last in violent crimes, which exemplifies how relaxed gun laws will not necessarily result in high crime-rates. Gun laws seem out of place in the nation’s capital.

Truly, there is no purpose in limiting gun-use and the purchase of guns. It seems like it would stop high rates of crime and gun violence. That is not true. For example, LZ Granderson of CNN mentions the fact that gun shops in Chicago have become illegal. Ironically, Chicago, Illinois, has one of the highest crime rates in the whole nation. Reid Wilson of The Washington Post states that Chicago’s number of homicides in 2012 was highest among all states with 500 overall. Impossible or improbable? Neither. The limitation on guns in Chicago has not affected Chicago’s crime rate positively. People are defenseless in Chicago without firearms, which increases their vulnerability to armed criminals.

Nonetheless, background checks are not capable of stopping mass shootings. Aaron Alexis was trusted by the U.S. Navy, as “he had been awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal,” as told by Chuck Baldwin. To add, this man had passed two background checks by a “ "secret" clearance; he was given an honorable discharge from the United States Navy.” Soon after being known as honorable, he was dubbed the “DC Killer.” Aaron Alexis, trusted by the Navy, killed 12 people and injured 8 others in a Navy yard shooting using a shotgun. It’s baffling to see a trusted man shoot 18 people in one of the most secure areas in terms of gun laws. This incident demonstrates how gun laws leave certain people trusted as safe, but truly they have the capabilities of killing those who think they do not need to carry a gun in a “gun-free” zone. It is not just to put our citizens in danger of those who are least expected to kill.

It seems fair that one may argue that framework of gun control should be suggested as a method of limiting the purchase of firearms, especially relating to criminals. ‘Framework’ is described as illegal guns being retrieved by the government or limiting the purchasing of firearms for each legal gun license, as Jay Troop from Policy Mic mentions. Chicago had attempted to integrate suggested framework, as Dean Reynolds of CBS News reports that “Chicago police said they have seized more than 6,500 illegal guns this year.” Well it is simply not the right choice. Throughout their efforts, turmoil has not suppressed. Dean Reynolds states that Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year old student, was murdered on her way home from school. Although of their seizures of illegal firearms, murders have still been prevalent in the community. Hadiya’s family, to go along with their mourning due to the loss of their innocent daughter, must be horrified by Chicago’s laughable execution of a “gun-free” zone. Poor victims and their own families have been deceived by these gun laws.

In conclusion, gun control’s purpose is worsening the safety of U.S citizens. Where “gun-free” zones are located, mass murders are more likely to occur. Also, guns have been made illegal in certain locations, yet children are still unable to return home safely to their families from school. In addition, those who seem most trusted in a supposedly ‘safe’ environment, may be the most dangerous. Gun control activists are allowing this to happen, why not stop their efforts?

The author's comments:
I am against the implementation of gun control laws.

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