Assault Rifles | Teen Ink

Assault Rifles

February 26, 2014
By supermajarguitar BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
supermajarguitar BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As americans we are bestowed with an outline of how the founding fathers decided the constitution should work and also all americans should be given rights no matter what. One of those rights that can be practiced by the american people is the right to bear arms. Assault rifles are a very hot and furiously debated topic throughout all 50 states today. The fact that they have contributed in some mass murders and killings of dozens of innocent civilians is what sparks a media and publicity rage.

The side that supports the ARs (assault rifles) is usually the ones who are able to throw out numbers and facts to non supporters and to persuade the general public who is neutral . While the groups and people against the ARs are usually using the stories and feelings of families that have been affected by the ARs. To be understanding I personally do feel sorrow and sorry for the tradities knowing no innocent live should be taken for almost no motive at all in some cases.

In the last decade acording to only one and two percent of murders with a firearm have been ARs the rest including handguns mostly, shotguns, and other forms of rifles. A common misconception of “assault” rifles is one pull of the trigger will fire multiple rounds for one trigger pull.. That idea is wrong because the action the gun has is that one trigger pull one bullet no more and no less. Now there is certain civilians that can own a full auto rifle, according to ATF (alcohol tobacco and firearms) Its called a class three license and the criteria to obtain the license is airtight the chance of a maniac being able to get the license is literally impossible due to the background check and the extensive mental and physiological test that the ATF and the government use currently on people looking to gain the class three license. That is another thing that many people on both sides say is that no matter what firearm an extensive mental and psychological test and evaluation should be given to all buyers of the fully automatic rifles mainly but also includes automatic shotguns and handguns. But that is in the middle between both sides some want more checks or less checks.

A lot of non supporters of the assault rifles believe that if you make them illegal that it is impossible for anyone no matter who they are to get their hands on them. while that ideology would work and lower a few deaths a year it sadly is not true. Take Chicago for example, The state passed no weapons meaning absolutely no guns at all in the cities boundaries even if you have concealed and carry license. The law they passed in reality cuts off all chance for extensive personal protection to the law abiding citizen on city grounds. The main problem with it is the criminals and people with bad intentions still get their hands on the firearms without the legal process of obtaining a firearm. So even though the law covers all guns it is still an example of what to expect if any law through the state passes and will give the criminals the upper hand while making a handicap the common law abiding citizens to be able to outdo or even match the criminals.

Our founding fathers decided that the American people shall never be less armed than their government and have the right to form a militia to protect against tyranny. So I hope I have left people knowing that its not the gun that kills it is the human being with a horrendous mentality that someone can form. So even though I have given facts and stone cold truth to make someone approve my message of assault rifles,it is still a choice and anyone is entitled to their opinion but I do advise to use a very open mind and consider the facts and actually take the time to learn about both sides of the matter.

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