Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

March 25, 2014
By ChuckInABucket BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ChuckInABucket BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What does AR in AR-15 stand for? You probably thought automatic rifle, or assault rifle but it really stands for ArmaLite and 15 is a model number. What about Ak in Ak-47? Again did you think automatic Kalashnikov or automatic killing machine, however, it really means Avtomat Kalashnikova and 47 because it was made in 1947. That is one of the common misconceptions of people who are debating gun control. There are a few other misconceptions that non-gun owners have; they think guns are the only thing that kill people and that guns kill everyone, but in reality the guns do not shoot themselves. We already know that gun control does not work. Gun control is not the answer.

In Canada the government officials banned a .22 lr. rifle just because it looks like an AK-47, but there are no interchangeable parts with the 7.62x39 AK-47. Canada banned the .22 lr. AK-47 look alike but, they didn’t ban the .22 lr. Ruger 10/22. The Ruger has the exact same capability of the AK-47 look alike that you can get 110 round drum magazines for and you can only get 30 round magazines for the AK look alike. Another thing that Canada banned was the OEM Ruger bx 25 that is a 25 round magazine from Ruger’s factory (not aftermarket) for the Ruger 10/22, but they did not ban the 110 round drum magazine or as Piers Morgan would say it, “magazine clip.” In Canada they are implementing gun control, or as I call it gun confiscation and they can’t get their story straight. They banned an AK-47 look alike which only had a 30 round magazine, and they didn’t ban the Ruger 10/22 or the 110 round drum magazines. The Canadians are just picking and choosing on what they want to ban and what they do not. The Canadian government does not have any criteria on what guns to keep and what to ban. They confiscate what they want when they want. I say confiscate because the Canadian government takes the firearm without reimbursing the owner. Also the American officials are looking to ban the AR-15 the "black rifle" the "killer". "Statistically speaking, AR-15s are only a fraction of the firearm deaths," said Alex Jones in an interview with Piers Morgan. In the big picture, the number of rifle deaths in 2012 is 322 deaths including bolt action, break action and semi-auto. The number of handgun deaths is 6371 in one year that is almost 20 times more than rifle deaths. The reason we should care about Canada’s gun laws is because the U.S. and Canada share political ideas. So with Canada if they have gun control, the U.S. might copy the idea.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Last time I checked guns do not load themselves. How could a gun shoot if it was not loaded? It can not, so how can guns kill people? Furthermore, if you threaten a Glock 19 and its family with a gun it will not shoot you because it is an inanimate object. If you did it to a human, that person that you just waterboarded would hurt or kill you, but a gun will not. If you threaten an AR-15 “the black rifle,” “the killer” nothing will happen. If you waterboarded a human and set it free, they would most likely kill you but, not the AR-15. It falls on the ground and nothing happens. If you want to see this and what happens, look at the user Iraqveteran8888 and his video on Youtube. Government officials want to have a gun registration. Why would you need that other than confiscation. The “pro-control” group say, “We want to protect the people from deadly weapons,” so if they want a registry for, guns why not kitchen knives and sharp objects? There were 1589 deaths in one year. Again more than rifle deaths in one year.

The concept of gun control is good because they want to get rid of crime and deaths. I am not a people hater, and I hate people dying just as much as everybody else, but truth be told the guns are not the sole problem of people dying. You can kill people with anything but even if you make guns or specific guns illegal, the bad guys will still have them just like drugs. Drugs are illegal and people are overdosing every second. The reason why it is so complex is because there are so many forms of it from stricter background checks to total gun confiscation. Truth is I like some forms of gun control like keep your barrel down range at all times, but not the more extremist methods like gun confiscation.

We have proof that gun control does not work. In Chicago Illinois they have banned handguns and the death toll from guns, mainly handguns in 2013, was one thousand one hundred and thirty-nine people. One thousand one hundred and thirty-nine people were killed with guns in a place that does not allow guns. How many people would have been alive if they had a gun to defend themselves. Again, drugs are illegal in America, and they are killing people every second. With controlling guns, the government will make it harder for the law abiding citizens to get firearms, and it will make it easier for the criminals to kill the law abiding citizens. Or in gun confiscation the law abiding citizens being completely left broadside. I say you can do stricter background checks like checking into family members that live in the household that have any mental illness and then go accordingly. Gun registries or gun confiscation is going too far because of the people that use their firearms for good like hunting, target shooting and self protection. My family and I participate in all of these it would just make it harder for us to get firearms. Ask yourself would the turn out of the movie theater shooting in Colorado turned out the same way if there was a concealed carry holder?

In the end gun control does not work. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Gun control isn’t the answer, and it doesn’t work in the places it is implemented.

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on Dec. 9 2015 at 1:21 pm
SarahBlum BRONZE, Roseburg, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." ~J.K. Rowling

Very true. People who are pro-gun control just don't bother to do the research.