Ground Zero Mosque | Teen Ink

Ground Zero Mosque

May 28, 2014
By Catlover0210 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Catlover0210 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many things may tear communities apart. But religion can bring communities together. A Muslim Community Center will be very appropriate to build near the World Trade Center Site. As you may know, a group of Islamic extremists did bomb the World Trade Center but the entire race was not held accountable for a group’s action. Muslims were killed in the attack as well as Americans. In fact, the World Trade Center had a mosque within it and was also blown up in the attack. This was an act of terrorism not an act of religion. The act of terrorism has reflected poorly on the Muslim race and has caused racism all over the country, and even parts of the world. Many people believe that all Muslims are terrorists because of this one act. People believe that the mosque should not be built, I believe it should. This country was built off of freedom of religion, tolerance of all religions, and they all share American values. Not only do the Christians and Jews have rights but Muslims have equal rights as well.
America is known as “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave”. She was built on tolerance and religious freedom. Unfortunately, not everyone in America thinks it is okay for us to be “open” to all religions, races, and ethnicities. This isn’t a problem for just America though; it’s all over the world. But media shows the world the very best and the very worst of cases. There is no in between. Media only shows the protesting, violence, and inconsiderate behaviors that the people of the world show-instead of showing the ups and downs, and how people get through tough situations. Not all Muslims are extremists, terrorists, or dictators. Media views Islam as “fundamental”, “extremists”, and “discriminatory”, but all of those terms are manipulated because of biased feelings mostly caused of ignorance since Media shows a negative impactful side of Islam. Although many of you know, America is freedom of religion, you may say, “It still doesn’t give them a right to attack the World Trade Center.” And you are absolutely right. It doesn’t give them a right to do so. But in the early to mid-1920s the KKK would kill, slaughter, and do anything they possibly could to harm the African Americans in the Southern States. The KKK follows Christian denomination/morality and is also considered a group of extremists. Thus, you don’t call them terrorists, and yet they follow terrorism. It is like you choose who to discriminate, and not to. You turn the other cheek for them, why? Because they are the same religion as you and you don’t want your religion to be put down or looked down upon. And to this day, The KKK still does their “get togethers” and what not. And no one says their opinion about it because media hasn’t heard about it to declare if it is good or bad. Thus, restating that America is freedom of religion, and if not She would be contradicting her 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
However, all Americans believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, and they aren’t. By building The Muslim Community Center, it will help America understand Islam better, and have tolerance for that religion, but it can also be a spark for Anti-Muslim feelings, and in that case could create more division, anger and hatred towards Muslims. But if we do not let this plan to happen, then the 9/11 terrorist’s message of intolerance has gotten through to our country, and people will not face against it. It is completely understandable that the Site should remain scared for those who had lost their lives. Not many Americans know how many Muslims truly live in America, mostly because they don’t speak about their religion or origin because of what others might say or do with their reaction. Americans have stereotyped this religion to no other, that at this point it is discrimination to Muslims.
Building the Muslim Community Center will have a lot of benefits for us [America]. The 16 story building is planned to have a library, gym, pool, basketball court, 500 seat auditorium, restaurant, 9/11 Memorial, two-story prayer space, child care facilities, and a culinary art school. Having the community center built will help the community out, if and when they are in need of it. Although people believe that it shouldn’t be built so close to the World Trade Center Site because of how sensitive it still is to them and others. Many people consider that it is intended to be a victory monument for terrorists. But, there will also be a major economic investment that will bring in $100 million to the economy and 150 full time jobs and 500 part time jobs. Having that being said, the center being built will help our economy and be a positive effect for us. Not only economically but socially as well. However not very many people knew that there was a Muslim prayer room on the 17th floor in the South Tower. Considering that a terrorist group, Al – Qaeda, did attack the Center, why wouldn’t they do it again to this building? Only cancelling plans could lead an Islamic extremist to believe that America is Anti- Muslim.
In conclusion, building the Muslim Community Center will help improve America as how others view her. It will help improve the country’s tolerance for one another and other religions as well. This isn’t just one person’s thought, it’s several. It isn’t necessary for others to over react over a whole religion with the action of a terrorist group. In the Constitution of United States of America it summarizes that we will protect the minority over the majority.

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