Should the US continue its use of drones abroad | Teen Ink

Should the US continue its use of drones abroad

May 30, 2014
By herogirl98 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
herogirl98 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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English 4 Honors
28 May 2014
Should the US continue its use of drone strikes abroad?

America has come a long way from the tragedy of 9/11. The hijacking of the plane in New York City has caused much chaos in America, not to mention the loss of The World Trade Center. This has caused certain measures to take place for "safety". On October 7, 2001, President George Bush administered the first use of drones. While it may seem to some that these drones are protecting the people, it's actually true that they are killing innocent civilians as well. The use of these drones and the rights they have to strike have been the question for many years.

Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles used to target suspected terrorists in foreign countries. They are remotely controlled and inexpensive compared to other military weapons. They were first deployed by NATO as a surveillance and intelligence gathering tool during the Bosnian war in 1995. Ever since 9/11, these drones have been being used to kill terrorists.

The main reason for these drones is, of course, to make the world safer by killing terrorists, threatening their groups, and making it safer for US military personnel. However, they might just be doing the opposite. While it's that these drones are effective against terrorists, it's actually true that they may target individuals who may not be terrorists or enemies because drones strike whoever fits the profile. In fact, between 147 and 1,047 civilians have been killed in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia due to drones. Also, drones could be creating more terrorists than it kills. Some may see their loved ones die because of the drone strike mistakes which motivates an act to go against the United States. When the drones do actually the terrorists, this provokes and motivates them more. The situation is the irony of the use of drones.

The authority these drones have to roam foreign countries and strike has also come into the question. According to a July 18, 2013 survey by Pew Research, a majority of 61% of Americans are for the drones, but what about the opinions of the people who are actually experiencing the drones in their country? They say, "When they're hovering over us, we're all scared". They are violating the privacy and sending fear to these people. This also may be violating certain laws. According to, there is a humanitarian law that states that targeted individuals must pose a threat only lethal force can prevent. This would make the US accountable for "potentially unlawful killings". It also states that in Article 2, the state cannot use force against another unless with consent of host state and as an act of defense. This also violates the sovereignty of other countries and the territorial integrity. Violating their terrority makes it okay for them to violate US territory. Drone strikes are also secretive which may sound effective in attacking real terrorists but these are also used in conflicts where war is not declared. Secretive attacks may cause more conflict between countries.

War is not a sight that people want to see, which is why these drones create a way to limit the scope of military action. However, there is a reason war horrors exist, and it is to show the world how tragic it is. Leading the pilots away from the actual war emotionally disconnects them from the horrors, making it easier for them to start battles. According to Keith Shurtleff, US army chaplain and ethics instructor, "physically and psychologically removed from the horrors of battle and see the enemy not as humans but as blips on a screen, there is a danger of losing the deterrent to war that its horrors normally provide." Drone pilots become oblivious to what is occuring, making killing, not a big deal anymore. When killing innocent lives becomes normal, the world will become destructive and full of hate. What hope for integrity will there be left for man-kind?

Drones are a way of making the world safer from terrorists and taking stress away from drone pilots, but they just might be making the world more dangerous and emotionally disconnecting the pilots from their real jobs. They say that drones are helping, but they also might be leading the US into a path that is not humane. America is using drones for a good cause, but by risking the lives of innocent individuals in other countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia...etc, which is why America should not continue its use of drones.

The author's comments:
I had heard about these drones way before I wrote this, but after more research I saw what they were doing. I hope people can see these drones the way I do.

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