Shots Fired | Teen Ink

Shots Fired

November 11, 2014
By RyanHueHi BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
RyanHueHi BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s society, the 2nd Amendment, written by our founding fathers, has resulted in major violence contrary to what they suggested when making this law. The 2nd Amendment has been and still is being misused for the so called “ justice” that our fellow citizens say it to be. Many of our law abiding citizens may be the cause of the gun violence besides the expected everyday criminal, and we may not even know it.

Even today, people go by the 2nd Amendment using guns as the amendment has allowed them. Gun control can be a positive but least effective way to stop gun violence. Even if it is not effective, it is one small step towards peace. Although gun control takes away the protection of the people and their rights, without guns, the crimes would not be happening. People, whether mentally ill or not, can get get guns from anywhere. People can use the internet to buy firearms without a background check. Without gun control, people who have not even purchased guns use them for gun violence. Incidents like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary were caused from the result of a stolen gun.

Guns are available to any licensed citizen and are being misused in horrendous ways. People, who are licensed to use a gun, have been the main cause of gun violence in the United States. An agent at Atf (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) reports that 85-90 percent of gun violence is caused by people who have legally purchased a gun. This further points out that even though the guns were purchased by law abiding citizens, they are the ones who use them in unlawful ways. People who we trust as a citizen cause most of the gun violence with legally purchased firearms, which have been approved and licensed to be used in a rightful manner. The guns have been used to commit the majority of crimes and murder. Criminals who commit crimes, come from illegally acquiring firearms.
Additionally, people of all mental efficiency can get get guns from anywhere, including over the internet. People who use the internet to buy firearms can arrange private meetings and buy them without having to take a background check. The website has reported over 15,000 guns are on sale online at any time, and about 2,000 of them are private deals that are specifically used to avoid background checks. The websites statistics show how anyone, anywhere, can get guns at anytime. Gun control would limit the online buying of firearms by reducing the availability of guns everywhere.

As we all know, major incidents caused by once believed to be mentally stable citizens due to a gun mishap, have been all over the news. The most recent gun shooting everyone has been talking about is Sandy Hook, a shooting in an elementary school. The shooting was caused by a man in his 20s named Adam Lanza, who went to the school with an assault rifle and two handguns. Adam Lanza had not owned the guns, but took them from his mother after he killed her, and then proceeded to murder innocent little kids. Even if he did not personally own the gun, the 2nd Amendment allowed his mother to let her child handle guns, just with it being in her house. With gun control in effect, Adam would not have gotten his hands on such dangerous firearms and killed those innocent little kindergarteners.

Of course homicides and murders like the one that occurred at Sandy Hook still happens in countries where handguns are banned. Although crimes that were committed without guns may be justifiable, that does not rise up to the fact that 65 to 70 percent of murders committed using firearms are handguns, in the United States alone.

Even if they enforce gun laws that would reduce availability of guns, criminals like Adam Lanza would still get their hands on guns. Even if this is true, limiting availability of guns would be a step towards dramatically reducing gun violence resulting from stolen guns; less guns less violence.

The 2nd Amendment causes nothing but violence and crime as it gives citizens the ability to cause the majority of gun violence. People now can get guns from anywhere, even the internet without a background check. Guns, even if legally owned can be stolen and used for unlawful actions, like the incident at Sandy Hook. These all could have been prevented, or at least lowered if gun control went into action. As a community, we should all be worried about the children and the lives of our fellow citizens and support gun control to help fix this problem.

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