Point Me to the Land of the Free | Teen Ink

Point Me to the Land of the Free

January 30, 2015
By TyAsha BRONZE, Charleston, South Carolina
TyAsha BRONZE, Charleston, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Terrorist is someone who uses terror to inflict fear to follow a certain political aim. Most terrorist are extreme nationalist. In my opinion, terrorism plays a big role in society and how we live today because the terrorist fight for what they believe in and will not stop at nun to overcome their goal. Why are we as a country living in fear of being attacked all the time? Why are we changing our lifestyle or way of living to fit the needs of so call protection? Due to the terrorist attacks such as 9/11 and etc. I submit that our rights from the first amendment are being limited especially or natural rights. The fear of being attacked the fear of not protecting. The fear of another 9/11 or another World War. Why should we waste our time and money to fight a Militia, when they are going to keep coming and getting bigger and bigger.

Terrorist attack innocent americans so why not just drop a bomb on where they lay their heads. This is an direct meaning to what terrorism is really about, which is by any means necessary. “Terrorism occurs both in the context of violent resistance to the state as well as in the service of states interests. If we focus on terrorism directed against governments for purpose of political change are considering the premeditated use or threat of symbolic, low-level violence by conspiratorial organizations (Crenshaw 379) “. Americans are turning into softies. Just as bad as they hit us we should hit them twelve times worst. They have us living in fear! We should take a stand but we should be as vindictive as they are.     

Terrorism has affected the United States in a major way. “ That appears to be the strong consensus of the Foreign-Policy elite with, with only a few exceptions, believes that the admission of President George W. Bush badly “over-reacted” to the attacks and that over- reaction continues to this day (Jim Lobe) ”. This quote relates back to my topic because it shows how because of 9/11 our rights are basically being limited. How? Because of all the laws like Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, and etc. The government has changed so many things because of 9/11 terrorist attack and other terrorist acts such as, “ The September 11 attacks had an impact on the audiovisual entertainment business.  Television coverage of the terrorist attacks and their aftermath was the longest uninterrupted news event in the history of U.S. television (Byran Johnson)”. This relates to me in a major way because as a teen I tend to watch tv very often. Who wants a boring show or a boring movie? We shouldn't change what we do because we are afraid of being attack. This aggravates me because we as a country are acting as punks.

On the other hand, Americans claim they want everyone to be free, but we are on a leash we have limits to our freedom. They want us Americans to believe we are living in  this so called free land. So aren’t we just a similar to the terrorist? The government is taking rights away and we barely notice it. The ‘war on terror’, far from making the world a safer place, has made it more dangerous by curtailing human rights, undermining the rule of international law and shielding governments from scrutiny. It has deepened divisions among people of different faiths and origins, sowing the seeds for more conflict. The overwhelming impact of all this is genuine fear—among the affluent as well as the poor.(The Daily Excelsior)” The government wants us to be safe, but what they don’t realize is, it's affecting us for the worst. I don’t understand why the can't protect and for us to have the same rights. Another thing that I disagree with is the fact the in the first amendment in the Bill of rights, states “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”. So does that mean we arent following the laws? The United States does not practice what they preach. We arent as free as we think we are.

However we are just as bad as the terrorist? Its just one thing I totally disagree with is the american torture tactics. Its wrong to belittle someone and make them feel more like an animal rather than a human being,“At least five detainees were subjected to “rectal feeding” or “rectal hydration,” without any documented medical need. “Some detainees were forced to walk around naked, or shackled with their hands above their heads. In other instances, naked detainees were hooded and dragged up and down corridors while subject to physical abuse. (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty)”. So are we terrorist? Are we similar to terrorist?  We torture and vilate detainees which are innocent terrorist.“ Starting with Abu Zubaydah, and following with other detainees, the CIA deployed the harshest techniques from the beginning without trying to first elicit information in an “open, non-threatening manner,” the committee found. The torture continued nearly non-stop, for days or weeks at a time (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty)” .

Most Detainees are innocent and only doing what they do by force. Referring back to my prior argument in the beginning about how our natural rights are being limited. Are we really as free as we think we are? Or are we just obedient dogs on a leash doing as we’re told. i feel as though the terrorist seem to have the best of us. Americans are losing their way.

There are many different types of torturing that we put these Detainees through, but the one thats worse to me is the Waterboard or near drowning.  Waterboarding is a type of torture most specifically a water torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages preventing the captive to work correctly, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, such as dry drowning, damage to lungs, brain damage because the oxygen is not going to the brain, other physical injuries including broken bones due to struggling against restraints, lasting psychological damage, and death. One case of Waterboarding didn't end good, “The CIA has previously said that only three Detainees were ever Waterboarded: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, and Abd Al Rahim al-Nashiri. But records uncovered by the Senate Intelligence Committee suggest there may have been more than three subjects. The Senate report describes a photograph of a “well worn” Waterboard, surrounded by buckets of water, at a detention site where the CIA has claimed it never subjected a Detainee to this procedure. In a meeting with the CIA in 2013, the agency was not able to explain the presence of this Waterboard (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty).”. However most terrorist that capture an American might do more damage to an American citizen. For example in 2014, an unknown number of Syrians, several Lebanese soldiers, at least 10 Iranians, two American journalists, one American and two British aid workers, have been beheaded by the ISIS. Some of the beheadings have apparently been conducted by an individual who appears in several videos speaking English with an English accent. So its not okay to let them off easy, and make it seem like they are so innocent.

In conclusion, is there really a solution to the terrorist problem in the United States? Can we at least have our rights back? In reality we are just as bad as the terrorist because we basically are doing what they are doing. Isn’t it ironic that we bomb for peace. Two wrongs doesn't make a right so by us trying to get even with them we are just making everything worse. “ A solution to these perennial problems can be found in ancient knowledge of Vedic defence. Veda means pure knowledge. Because pure knowledge is non-religious and universal, the Vedic solution of Invincible Defence Technology can be universally applied by the followers all religious beliefs or non-believers for the benefit of humankind (The Daily Excelsior)”. So if we just try to stay out of other countries problem and be isolated maybe just maybe we wouldn't have to make up a ton of laws that limits our rights. The government is disordering and not following the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights/ Constitution. Something needs to change because I refuse to live my life with my rights limited. People only come to this country because they want something better than what they had. If we keep trying to get back at terrorist and they going to keep attacking, are we really safe? Not at all! But if try to make it safe, is it right to take the rights we have to make it safe? We should just mind our business because we are wasting time and money to fight terrorist.   

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