Same Sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Same Sex Marriage

January 31, 2015
By Anonymous

In a column by Maureen Dowd, Dowd discusses her opinions on gay marriage rights. In the last few years many cases have been tried in the court system to overturn DOMA and grant marriage equality. Same-sex marriage has been granted in some states, but is still not legalized in most.

Dowd believes same-sex marriage should be legalized everywhere. She addresses the implications of hate on gay families by interviewing Erik and Max about their experiences with hate. One of the issues is that same-sex couples are humiliated and hurt by being told their very existence is wrong by close-minded people.  Another issue she approaches is how justices, who are making the decision on the legality of gay marriage, only think gay people want to be married for the label. Justices don’t understand that it is because they love each other just like straight couples do.

I completely agree with Dowd on her views of gay marriage. It should not be a problem for anyone who someone loves. Whether someone loves another person of the same sex or the opposite sex should not bother people, all that should matter is that everyone finds true love. Sadly close-minded people do not agree and try to stop same-sex couples from being together and finding love.
In contrast, in a column by Michael Brown, Brown discusses his opinions on gay marriage rights. In the last few years many cases have been tried in the court system to overturn DOMA and grant marriage equality. Same-sex marriage has been granted in some states, but is still not legalized in most.
Brown believes if gay marriage is legalized it will fail. God only meant for a man to marry a woman and society will collapse if same-sex couples are allowed to marry. When judgment day comes God would see same-sex marriage as sign of society’s demise. He also rebuts the saying “Love is Love”, an inspirational quote for gay marriage rights, leads to polygamy. Ultimately he feels sanctioning gay marriage rights will fail and ruin the human race.
I could not disagree with his opinions more. All relationships have equal potential to be true love whether the marriage is between people of the same-sex or opposite-sex. Many couples, gay or straight, live happily together, but many people like Brown want to stop the gay couples from being happily married even though straight couples get to be happily married. This double standard should not exist. Everyone deserves to be with someone they love. No one has any business telling anyone that they cannot be married or that their marriage will fail because of who they are. Also there is no reason someone’s religion should disallow another to get married. If you do not want to be around people who are married to someone of their same sex, you do no have to, but at least let the people who want to get married and be happy if they want to.

Dowd, Maureen. "Happily Never After?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 02 Apr. 2013. Web. 05 Sept. 2014.
Brown, Michael. "Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Ultimately Fail." Town Hall, 27 June 2013. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.

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