Same-sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Same-sex Marriage

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

Same-sex marriage, a topic that has been talked about for years. The US Supreme court has recently brought up the topic to discuss about. A decision is expected in June. I strongly believe that gay marriage should be legal. Many things have changed over the years, and society is changing. So, many laws should be added or changed, and gay marriage should be one of them. 37 states already have recognized and legalized gay marriage in their states. So why not have the entire US allow gay marriage? It doesn’t hurt anyone. This why I believe gay marriage should be legal.


Many young adults are being bullied. The reasons can vary from because of the way they look, to the way their parents are. Even though there are many reasons why people get bullied, one of the most used reasons is because of their sexuality. Many teenagers are still trying to find out who they are, and they might be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Because of this bullying, many teenagers commit suicide. There are about 100 attempted suicides a day. We can stop this by allowing gay marriage. If we allow it, many teenagers and adults can be happier. Many bullies will stop bullying because it is now okay to marry someone of the same gender. When there is less bullying, there will be less suicides.

Many children are left at an orphanage. Their parents either die, don’t want the child, or abandon them. Since there are so many orphans, gay couples can adopt. The couple can have a chance to raise a child, since they can not have one. The child, will most likely in a caring home, like they always wanted. Many studies show, that same-sex couples make good parents to children. Researchers from the University of Melbourne surveyed same-sex couples and their children. The children had “higher scores of measure of general behavior, general health, and family cohesion compared to population normative data.” There is a big chance, the orphan will grow up in a more, secure, loving home. If we allow gay marriage, many children will have families because of a married gay couple.
People should accepting of others. People should understand that they are taking over someone else’s life, if they make same-sex marriage illegal. It is a free country, people should be able to marry whomever they like, whether it is a boy or girl. If people accept others, we could live in a more peaceful society. Legalizing could help us get there. Adults and children should stop discriminating others and should realize that people can not change who they are or like. People should be more than accepting of others.

Many religions say gay marriage is a sin. They say God doesn’t accept gay people. That gay people are going to hell. But they also say, God loves everyone and he gives people who have sinned, a second chance. So, why doesn’t he accept gay couples, if he loves everyone. think about it, it doesn’t make sense. Truth is, God loves everyone no matter what, whether they like the same gender or not. God should be accepting of others, as so everyone else. Religions can believe what they want to believe, but they cannot take over someone’s life.
It shouldn’t matter who is marrying whom, love is love. The government should accept that, along with everyone else. People should be accepting of others no matter who they are. If we legalize gay marriage, many orphans will have a home. Lastly, if we legalize it, we would have less bullying, causing less suicides. Many people still bully and discriminate others. If we legalize marriage, we could almost completely stop that. The government should help the people of the US, and know what’s best for them to make everyone happy. If we legalize gay marriage, over 75% of people will be happy. Others wouldn’t be, but they would get used to the new society.


Bachai, Sabrina. "Why Same-Sex Parents May Be Better At Raising Kids." Medical Daily. IBT Media Inc., 07 July 2014. Web. 22 May 2015. .

Sneed, Tierney. "With Gay Marriage at the Supreme Court, an Eye on the Next Fight." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 27 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 May 2015. .

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