Orcas Are in the Ocean for a Reason | Teen Ink

Orcas Are in the Ocean for a Reason

November 18, 2015
By rashaanh2016 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
rashaanh2016 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was put in their place on this earth for a reason. All the living creatures were born into the habitats that suit their biological needs. Why is it that humans find themselves ruining the system? Humans generally feel the need to alter the balance of mother nature for their own personal gain. Seaworld may find it appalling for human families to be separated, but when it comes to using advanced tactics to separate young orcas from their families it is seemingly okay. These enormous creatures were meant to migrate thousands of miles and live ordinary marine lives, yet they are forced in captivity with sizes not even a fraction they would have lived in. If non human creatures were meant to be exploited for entertainment, why do they have to be captured?

It seems as though humans have blurred the lines of mother nature. As if the nature of exploiting animals simply for the recreation and sake of humans was not already bad enough, but it seems as though the whales need anti anxiety pills. Orcas, including the nursing ones, have been given Valium (Zimmerman par 1). This human-associated drug is now being given to whales just so that they can survive in a habitat that does not even suit their life needs. Just as irregular it is for the orcas to be kept in captivity, the orcas themselves are partaking in alarming and irregular actions as well. It has been reported that these orcas are regurgitating their food as a sign of boredom (Zimmerman par 4). These creatures are releasing nutrients from their bodies and are semi forced to cause major health problems to themselves because humans “need” this entertainment.

When it comes to the detriment towards the whales, the evidence does not take a fully experienced marine biologist to see. Aside from studying their behaviors and their mourning vocals patterns, the dorsal fins are a large indication of their poor bad health caused by this big corporation. Dr. Ginneken explains that there are five basic explanations for the collapsing of the dorsal fin: pattern swimming, resting at the surface, warmer water temperature, lower hydration, and lack of exercise (Orca Dorsal Fin par 7). All, if not most, of these reason seem to go perfectly with the conditions of an artificial orca captivation space. The orcas have less than a percent of what they originally had, so swimming in one direction or resting at the surface and having gravity drag the dorsal fin down seem plausible. The collapsing of the dorsal fin has to be one of the most evident signs of their deteriorating mental and physical health. The fact that all captive orcas have this defect, yet less than 1% of worldwide orcas should have this is frightening. It is very sad because SeaWorld can lie about a lot of things. They can say that the whales love to be trained or that being in captivity is normal and fine, but the horror lies right before the eyes.
One large component to the reason why orcas should not be kept in captivity for the entertainment for humans is because they can fully grasp the torture they are going through. They actually have an enlarged limbic lobe (Crawford par 4). The limbic lobe is associated with behavior and emotion. If they are showing signs of boredom and depression, the feelings going on inside of the orcas due to the captivation must be biologically exaggerated or beyond human understanding.

Orcas were meant to live amongst the ocean. The fact the some humans see these action as somewhat acceptable is nearly sickening. Since these creatures are not human, it becomes okay but this is absolutely not the case. Orcas are not necessarily fit to have deep intellectual thoughts, but they at least need more recognition and respect as living creatures. Just like their dorsal fins, their spirits are collapsed.

The author's comments:

After viewing Blackfish, I realized the true of horrors of what goes on "behind the bars" of Sea World. I had heard speculation about the business being corrupt, but now I am 100% disturbed by this profitable exploitation. Eventhough they plan on enlarging the orcas living space, is does not excuse their action of starting this horrific chain in the first place.


Works Cited
Blackfish. Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Magnolia Pictures, 2013. Film.
Crawford, Lars. “Killer Whales are Non-Human Persons.” GreyMattersJounral.com. n.p. 7 December 2013. Web. 21 September 2015.
“Orca Dorsal Fin Controversy - Experts vs. SeaWorld.” OrcaAdvocate.com. n.p. 16 April 2013. Web. 23 September 2015.
Zimmerman, Tim. “Ex SeaWorld Trainer: Drugs Couldn’t Stop Destructive Orca Behavior.” TheDodo.com. n.p. 4 April 2014. Web. 22 September 2015.

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