A President for the People | Teen Ink

A President for the People

February 15, 2016
By Anonymous

It’s almost voting time again, and I believe that Bernie Sanders would make the best President. He is very interested in creating jobs, unlike some of our other candidates who are only interested in sending workers out of the US. In addition, he is very frank and honest with citizens, even when the truth hurts him. Sanders also tackles important issues head-on while having an actual plan to deal with them, not just saying “Black Lives Matter” and doing nothing about it.

Sanders clearly has a plan for creating jobs in the United States. He notices that our infrastructure is crumbling, and plans to create jobs by rebuilding it. Unlike Trump, who wants to send everyone out of the US, Sanders plans to make sure that foreign visas aren’t being granted to fill jobs that could be done by US workers. However, he still wants to keep skilled foreign workers that large companies require. Sanders finally wants to improve education in order to decrease youth unemployment.

Sanders is also the most trustable politician we’ve seen in recent years. Through his campaign, he has clearly won the support and trust of American citizens. Other candidates may have a lot of money and wealth, but the trust of the nation’s people cannot be bought.

Finally, Sanders clearly cares about the welfare of minorities. He has stated that the country needs to keep an eye on police brutality, and that racial profiling is a big issue. Many of his personal aides come from a minority background, and he approves of reforming the visa application process. As immigration, both legal and illegal, is such a huge topic of discussion in politics nowadays, I feel that Bernie is setting the best example for the rest of the candidates.

I do hope that Bernie takes the Democratic nomination for the 2016 election so that we may all “feel the Bern.”

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