The Power of Language | Teen Ink

The Power of Language

February 22, 2016
By Anonymous

As humans, language is the most powerful tool we have. Human kind is the only species that has been able to develop a system of language. However diverse, it allows humans to communicate with other humans. We can speak to one another, and convey our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. No other creature has been able to do this. It fits, then, that humans are the most advanced life forms on the planet. With language at our disposal, anything is possible. No weapon can stand up to the power of words, and no technology has been able to propel our society further than language has.

With language, humans are able to communicate with one another. According to Mark Pagel, the development of language allowed early human tribes to cooperate with each other. They were able to share technology, and build off of each other’s ideas. Without language, each tribe would have had to develop its own technology, and would not have been able to build off of the other tribe’s ideas. Instead of cooperating to create better, more advanced technology, each tribe would be stuck with a rudimentary version. Instead of putting ideas together, each tribe would have only its idea, not fully developed or used. This would have made human development much slower, and we still might live in separate tribes. Instead, language allowed us to talk and communicate with the other tribes. This allowed trade, of both goods and ideas. We were able to talk to each other, and discuss the best way of doing things. Language allowed us to put our ideas together, propelling the human race into a more complex, developed society.

Though language was extremely useful in the early stages of the human race, it continues to be of vital importance. Today, very important people employ language extremely often. Those who want to be the next President of the United States give speeches daily. A good speech is an immensely important tool, not only to the presidential candidates, but also to anyone who wishes to persuade. The use of powerful language can motivate people to do something they might have never done before, and it can persuade someone to change his opinion. Language can be more powerful than action, and strong words are the best tool to persuade someone.

As well as a strong persuasive tool, language can be the basis of judgment towards a person. Like in “Mother Tongue,” the use of “broken English” can cause people to think poorly of the speaker. When someone does not employ strong, precise language, it can cause people to make a snap judgment. It causes a poor first impression, and this impression can last a lifetime. On the other hand, someone that uses powerful language is seen as intelligent, and worth paying attention to. If a person wishes to change the way people see her, an efficient way to do this is to change her vocabulary. No other action will be as powerful and effective as this. Though developing a skill, or working harder might help, the best way to change people’s perception of her would be to use stronger language. As Taylor Mali pointed out, she should stop saying “like you know,” and start having conviction and certainty in her words. By doing this, people will start listening to her, and actually paying attention to what she is saying.

There is no tool more powerful than language. No weapon can overcome it, and no action is greater than it. Words can move nations to action, and they can change even the most ardent supporter’s mind. They allow humans to communicate, sharing technology and making our society better. They form our perception of people, and can be used to change it. Language is the reason human kind has made it this far, and will be the deciding factor in our development to come.

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