Should Governor Snyder Resign? | Teen Ink

Should Governor Snyder Resign?

February 26, 2016
By peepo101 BRONZE, Schenectady, New York
peepo101 BRONZE, Schenectady, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Governor Rick Snyder should resign, he has knowingly exposed between 6,000 and 12,000 children to lead contaminated water (source 1). Children ingest 4 to 5 times as much lead from the same water as an adult would (source 2).Children that have been exposed to lead add around 600,000 cases to the amount of children with intellectual disabilities (source 2). Snyder has neglected to inform the citizens of his city, the people that elected him into office, or a problem that is prevalent to his people directly. Governor Snyder is responsible to the poisoning of the Flint community children.

He has knowingly put the lives of thousands of men,women, and children in danger for months. In July scientists warned Snyder about the unsafe, poisoned water but he neglected to inform anyone about it. The children have been exposed to elevated levels of lead can to developmental problems. Children chronically exposed to lead will need a lot of time to recover (source 3). If they decide to have children this condition will be passed down to them. Not only did Governor Snyder affect the present lives of his community, but imagine all the  married couples that were planning to start a family, and the children who in the future, wanted to have children. They will have to now consider the impact the lead poisoning. Lead poisoning can affect the fetus while developing inside the mother (source 2) . Governor Snyder used his power to inform his government officials, about the unsafe water, who he deemed important enough to warn. Who is he to decide who has the knowledge of the fact that they should not be drinking this water? Snyder pretended like he did not know about this issue until October, and he only let the information out because other people found  out about it. After that he did not provide the people of Flint with clean bottled water until December.

Rick Snyder is the type of man to not only put the lives of thousands in danger, but potentially ruin the current and future lives of all the children that live in Flint. The type of man to lie and deceive his people to cover up the fact that he has deprived these people of one of their natural rights. Is the type of man you want to look to as a leader? He is certainly not for us. Rick Snyder must resign.

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