The Real People's Candidate | Teen Ink

The Real People's Candidate

March 9, 2016
By csepulveda05 BRONZE, Wilbrham, Massachusetts
csepulveda05 BRONZE, Wilbrham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wanting change here in America is something I think every citizen can agree with. Putting an end to social injustices, Wall Street corruption, and inequality in pay for women, is only some of the changes Bernie Sanders will make to this country. No other candidate has really dedicated their life to helping America, making changes, bettering the middle class, like Bernie has. Donald Trump will be the end to this country if his racism, sexism, and, plain ignorance is allowed into the white house. Bernie Sanders has been a senator for 8 years and was named the third most popular senator in the country in 2011. Then, in 2015, he was named the most popular senator in the country, compared to Donald Trump who starred in a reality TV show for 12 years and speaks of building a 4 Billion dollar wall around our borders with the intentions of Mexico paying for it all. Due to his experience in congress and his ideas to help the people of America, Bernie Sanders is the most qualified to be president of the United States.

Starting off, Bernie is a socialist. Being a socialist means you, “reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.”(Democratic Socialists of America) Having a socialist as our president would cause change in that everyone would be equal. Our country needs to stop forgetting about the people who don’t make as much money as others, and disregarding color as well as gender in the fight for being equal. Bernie can do that. He speaks during his debates about BlackLivesMatter, not, AllLivesMatter because the lives of whites aren’t the ones who are being discriminated against. Bernie also talks about having full rights for the LGBT community as well as women’s rights.

As of right now, our country is starting to move backwards in the fight for women’s equality. Men have the rights to their own bodies and their rights are never questioned. Men are valued more than women in many cases and I do believe the Sen. Bernie Sanders will put an end to questioning women’s abortion rights and give me the options I need for when and if I ever find myself in a situation where abortion is my solution.

As for fighting for LGBT rights, Bernie did not sign the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” act. This act was put in place to have homosexuals essentially keep their sexuality a secret while serving in the armed forces. The act prohibited homosexual or bisexual people from sharing their sexual orientation or engage in homosexual acts would be discharged. Sanders supported the Supreme Court’s decision on making gay marriage legal in all 50 states as well.  To add to Bernie's long list of great qualities, he also supported Vermont's first ever Pride Parade in his first term as Mayor of Burlington. As president Bernie said that he would sign the Every Child Deserves A Family act, which gives same sex couples as well as transgenders the ability to be foster parents.

Senator Sanders also believes in the #BlackLivesMatter campaign. Nowadays, history is repeating itself with the police and the way they treat our African-American citizens. African-American mothers may send out their children not knowing if they will be the face on the news channels as the latest victim of police brutality. Bernie has stated that he would want to demilitarize the police forces so they do not look like they are going into battle as well as helping officers understand diversity within the community as well as their own squads. He also speaks about how unemployment is higher in youth, especially youth of color. In a study according to the US bureau of labor statistics,  the overall youth unemployment for ages 16-19 is 20.7% percent, while the white youth ages 16-19 is 17.5%, and the black youth is 38% unemployed. Those statistics need to change. Everyone has an equal right to earning their own pay as well as having an education, both of which Senator Sanders has said he will enforce as president. Bernie has also said, “We don’t talk about youth unemployment enough in this country. It is no great secret that without work, without education, and without hope people get in trouble. That’s just a fact.” That just shows how ready Bernie is for helping to get education and jobs for every youth.

On the other side of the debate though, many people who are not Bernie fans believe he is too old to be in office, saying that he may die from the pressure of being in office which is a completely ridiculous idea and has nothing to do with his ideals and qualifications of being our nation’s president. There never has and never will be an age limit on who can run for president. Another thing people may say is that he will raise taxes by almost 90%. This may be true, but in order to make the country better, there needs to be some sort of funding. As a result of this funding there will be more things we as Americans may become entitled to, including the price of college going down dramatically, as well as healthcare for all.

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