To Eat or Not To Eat | Teen Ink

To Eat or Not To Eat

March 14, 2016
By mshizzle BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
mshizzle BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Genetically modified organisms and foods are safe for the environment, provide efficiency for agriculture and are healthy. Sometime around 8500 B.C. humans in the fertile crescent started to plant grain, by 7000 B.C. animals such as sheep and pig began to be domesticated as a result humans now had a centralized food source and they began to form cities. Not only did they began to form cities but they began practicing selective breeding by keeping the seeds from desired plants for the next years harvest. The technique we use today is very similar to the techniques used by our ancestors, we use selective breeding to create desired foods with specific yields or nutritional values. Biotech crops were first introduced in 1996. The techniques and foods we use today are safe for the environment; even though pesticides are sometimes used, usually by conventional farmers, there are only trace amounts of chemicals found in the land which is not enough to harm other native animals just the targeted insects or create a chemical buildup. The EPA is responsible for testing insect protected crops and herbicide use. While growing the biotech crops less tillage is required which means less air pollution. Once the genetically modified crop is grown and ready to be consumed different agencies (not just the biotech company) such as the FDA and USDA test the food using about fifty different tests, 30% of safety studies are funded through independent sources and there has never been a case of an unsafe biotech crop. By 2050 the world’s  population is expected to reach about 9 billion and every 7.67 seconds 2.47 acres of farmland are lost. Genetically modified crops increase efficiency in agronomic performance and conservation of freshwater while farmland is lost because with the help of mutagenesis and other methods crops have increased in yield with Nitrogen and Phosphorous against pests, pathogens, insects, weeds, and have higher drought tolerance. There are many genetically modified foods out there and they are very healthy, for example corn contains less mycotoxins and the average person can’t taste or feel the difference between a biotech crop or conventional crop. It has also been scientifically proven that the there is no significant difference between the two crops besides their DNA of course. Genetically modified foods can help food insecurity and increase amount of a specific nutrient in food in the U.S. and other developing countries; for example banana vaccines or golden rice which helps the people of the philippines gain more  vitamin A. I believe genetically modified GMOs and GMFs are safe for the environment, provide efficiency for agriculture and are healthy what do you think?  

The author's comments:

As the scientific and psychological community claims our bodies are reeking havoc because of Gentically Modified Organisms, I believe the more public opinions we have out there the more likely a safe approach can be accounted for. 

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