America’s Next Best President | Teen Ink

America’s Next Best President

April 15, 2016
By Alex2732 BRONZE, Tirana, Other
Alex2732 BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages welcome to the 2016 presidential campaigns. On the Republican side we have, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump. On the Democratic side we have Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Let the show begin.

The democratic platform consists of moving America forward, rebuilding middle class security, America works when everyone plays by the same rules, greater together, stronger in the world, and safer and more secure at home. All of these things build on what has already been done and continue to move forward. On the opposite end of the spectrum fixing the mistakes made by democrats over the last eight years is the republican party.

The republican platform consists of restoring the American dream, a restoration of constitutional government, the depletion of America's natural resources, reforming government, renewing American values, making sure health care remains extortionate, and endorsing American extremism. All of these things focus on fixing America, taking America forward, and changing everything that was done over the last eight years. Out of all the candidates representing the Republican party, only one truly embodies the republican dream, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York City, New York, United States of America, making him eligible to run for president. His life story is very interesting and filled with many hardships. At the beginning of his life, Donald Trump's father gave him “a small loan of a million dollars to get started.” It was hard for him, as a million dollars isn't a lot of money, and after using it he had to pay his father back, with interest. Even with the hardship of having such little money Donald Trump went on to do great things.

With time, hardwork, and perseverance Donald Trump came to where he is today, candidate for the U.S. presidency. Donald Trump wants to uphold the preservation and protection of traditional marriage saying that “If I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change this,” referring to the ruling made by the supreme court legalizing gay marriage. He also wants to deport all of the illegal immigrants, opening up the U.S. and creating more job opportunities. All of Donald Trump's ideas and morals are coming out in his candidacy, and with each of his speeches we are left wanting more.

During his speeches, we discover that Donald Trump knows just how loyal his voters are saying “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” Trump also likes displays of his love of the United States at his speeches. During one of his later speeches the freedom kids performed a song saying “we’re the land of the free and the brave.. USA” and “President Donald Trump knows how to make America great again.”

All of these acts show how truly patriotic Donald Trump is, and how truly patriotic his voters are. All the challenges and hardships in his life have made Donald Trump who he is, the perfect candidate for the Republican party, the perfect candidate for the presidency, the perfect president of the United States of America. Let's make America great again.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 19 2016 at 2:12 am
iulia-arnswald BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is a really great review, you can really sense the sarcasm, I love it.