Gun Violence | Teen Ink

Gun Violence

May 5, 2016
By Anonymous

What  is the  cause of gun violence?  The mentally ill? The narcissistic that have a slight craving for attention? Or  is it a personal vendetta? But they all start out the same as us.  So how do they become this way?


We, the people should be held responsible, for we are the cause. When a child does a misdeed his parent is held responsible, the same holds true for the people, they continue to manufacture ,use guns and cause gun violence.The example is too true in some cases. “In 1997 high school student Luke Woodham stabbed his mother to death and then drove to Pearl High School in Pearl,Mississippi, and shot and killed two people.”(William J. Benett 1) “18-year old  Antwana Smith faces homicide charges after she “disrespected her family” (Cherish Lombard 1).
Another reason is that people are indecisive creatures. They can’t decide on whether to ban guns for citizens, allow it, and some don’t see it as a problem. They only argue and bicker while countless are killed. “ What  would any Gun Control law do to prevent evil people from enacting their homicidal plans, Nothing.”( Robert Farago 1). “Ban guns, all guns; get rid of guns in homes, streets, and as much as possible, police.”(Phoebe Maltz Bovy 1).
The biggest reason that people are to blame, is that we are the one’s shooting each other.

“A gunman entered New Life Church in Colorado Springs and shot and killed two girls.” (William J. Bennett 1). “ In December of last year, Jacob Tyler Roberts stole a stag Arms Ar-15 semiautomatic rifle and killed two people in Portland, Oregon.”(Charles C.W. 1).

There are those that would like to argue that actions are being taken against gun control. The most controversial, was Obama’s plan to crack down on some unregulated internet gun sales.The truth of the matter is that people are still dying. Maybe it will happen after time, but now there is no change.

We should come together, stop fighting and come up with a solution. We have the power to, since we created killers,we can create  peace loving citizens.

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