Gun Violence | Teen Ink

Gun Violence

May 5, 2016
By co.lynn BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
co.lynn BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday on average  297 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention. Everyday 89 people die from gun violence: 31 are murdered (Brady Campaign).

I believe that  everybody in the world are responsible for gun violence. I don’t blame the government for anything because  it’s  us as the people of the United States that  make our environment an unsafe place . 

Guns don’t kill people--people kill people. A shooting in Pennsylvania killed 5 people and injuring 3. This is showing   that people cannot  be trusted  with weapons. Guns does not pick and choose who it wants to kill;  people are the ones who point the gun at a person and shoot. Another shooting in louisiana injured 3 people and killed 1. More and more people are being killed at hands of another person. Guns aren't the real problem it's the people. Even if there were no guns people would still try to kill each other.

Background checks should be ran on everyone who purchase a gun or any other weapons. “The FBI checks the national instant criminal background check system (NICS) to see of they are a prohibited purchaser. Prohibited purchasers include felons, fugitives, domestic abusers and dangerously mentally ill. Simply put, the effective Brady law prevents guns from getting into the hands of dangerous people (Brady Campaign). This law has stopped many people with a bad background from purchasing harmful weapons. Since the law of background checks have been put into place more people are trying to sale guns illegally.  And by doing so, these illegal gun sellers put other people in danger including themselves. Most illegal gun sellers don't know has a criminal background or are mentally unstable. All they want to do is sale guns just to make money.

Pro-gun is not pro-killing. This campaign is not true, it doesn’t matter who the person is under any circumstances anyone can get hurt. Guns were made to protect people from harm, but instead people use them to cause harm to others.

Many say it's the government's fault for gun violence because they make the laws. That's not true, people do what they want to. It don't matter how many laws the government makes people will still do whatever they want. Even if the government banned guns people would still try to sale them to others that want to cause harm.

People are responsible for their own actions and It’s not safe for others. The government should limit the size and amount of guns in a household. By making this into a reality you should vote for people who are for reducing gun violence in the United States.


"Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Web. 05 May 2016.

"Mass Shootings - 2016." Gun Violence Archive. Web. 05 May 2016.

"Background Check Procedures Policy Summary." Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence RSS. Web. 05 May 2016.

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