Illegal Immigrants Are Humans Too | Teen Ink

Illegal Immigrants Are Humans Too

May 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Imagine a life in which you never feel safe. Imagine a life in which you have to pay for your survival. Imagine a life in which you have no hope of ever having a better life.

Now, what if there was a way to escape this hopeless trap? What if there was a way to save your family from a life of pain?

This hope is America and people suffering and living with no hope are families living in Mexico.

Illegal immigration is a huge issue in America. Currently, it is one of the major points that the 2016 presidential candidates are discussing as they share their point of views on the issue. But, Americans have begun to get caught up in the political aspect of immigration and they have lost sight of the fact that when we talk about the policies regarding immigration, we are talking about policies regarding real human beings.

Illegal immigrants for the most part are not savages. They aren’t all coming here just to live for free off of American’s taxes. They risk their lives sneaking into this country so that they can have a shot at a better life. They would rather risk being caught and punished than stay where they are.

Mexico is brutal in many cities. Mexico is not all about the beaches and resorts. When you get deep into the center of Mexico, you can see the darkness that is haunting many Mexicans.

Now, there are many Mexicans who are able to come into America legally and they become free from their old life. But, the legal process of entering this country is long and hard. Some can’t live in their situations long enough to go through the process and they have to resort to their own measures.

They pack up their essentials, gather together their families, and prepare themselves to cross the border. They try hard not to get caught and they pray that they will make it to the other side of that border.

Once these illegal immigrants come into America they have to hide. Many take jobs as farm laborers, and don’t even get me started on the lack of rights and mistreatment of all farm laborers; immigrants and citizens alike. But, illegal immigrants never get the shot at gaining rights in America.

Of course I’m not for complete amnesty, but I do think illegal immigrants need to be given the chance to become legal residents. They should pay a fine and go through the process that legal immigrants had to in order to come into America.  But, they should not be sent back to Mexico. They should not be forced to be put back into those terrible situations.

My grandparents came into America illegally many years ago. They took their four kids and they snuck in. They wanted to escape their traps in Mexico and provide a future for their children. Once my grandparents got here they got help from family and got their green cards. Their children are now successful, living as a part of the middle class, and they got the bright future that they wanted all those years ago.

I can’t understand why someone would believe my grandparents did the wrong thing coming to America. They did what they had to in order to allow a chance for a great life for their kids.

America is great. It has its flaws, but it is still an amazing country. All people should have the chance at living in this nation. That doesn’t mean we should just let anybody in the country, especially not with all of the dangers in the world today, but we should make it easier for those seeking a better life to come into America.

Why deny the right to others to enjoy the freedoms of America? Are you ready to let people continue suffering when you know America can help them? When you know America can save them? Push for changes in immigration policies and save a family. Save a life.

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