The Inequalities of Immigration | Teen Ink

The Inequalities of Immigration

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

(Fox News Latino)

Coming into this country being an immigrant is ridiculous. They come here expecting to get the feeling of the great “american dream” but the only feeling they get is hatred. Most of the immigrants that come to the United states want something better because back home, better wasn't available for them. But instead they get here and get treated way differently. They basically get almost everything at the bottom. Most things aren't an option for them. Equal rights aren't an option for them. Equal opportunities for jobs aren't an option for them. Like what if you were in their shoes? What is you came here and you could only get a job like being a janitor, a taxi driver, a housekeeper, a meat processor, etc. Can you imagine working at jobs like that? Most jobs like that come with so many downfalls. Lack of respect is a main one. And a janitor deserves respect because she/he does things people can do on their own but choose not to. Us americans get so much more that immigrants. But why? Were all people. So just put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine what it's like to live a life like theirs.

In this lifetime you can barely get by without government support or a job. So everyone should be able to have the jobs that they want instead of jobs that don't care about your background such as if you are an immigrant. The jobs immigrants have that accept them as immigrants are maids and housekeepers: 51% native-born, taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58% native-born,Butchers and meat processors: 63% native-born,Grounds maintenance workers: 64% native-born,Construction laborers: 66% native-born,Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72% native-born,Janitors: 73% native-born. Those are all the main immigrant jobs and the percent for every job(Google). The PEOPLE who get those jobs and have to do everything that is required, does something better for the world everyday. Without these hard working immigrants, who would truthfully work for those jobs. Keep in mind everything they do and everything the have to put up with because they can’t get a better job.

The laws for all humans no matter of your race should be the same. Just because you are another race in another county doesn't mean you get different rights in the eyes of an equal person. So I believe that all rights should be the same for everyone. Even if you are from a different county or a different race. On a website “The Hill” it clearly states,” No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws(Contreras,9/29/15)” which is basically saying any state shouldn’t deny any person which includes immigrants. Immigrants supposedly have that right not to the denied but why do they still get treated differently? Why are they denied in states that don’t have that privilege? Right, it's not fair to do that to other people just because of where they were born or were before they came to the US.

In the end after most people see this, their mind won’t be changed. They are set on the fact that every immigrant is bad and all they are trying to do is come in and hurt us or whatever. But that’s like labeling a majority of the people in the United States immigrants because they are trying to hurt us. Right, it makes so sense. So if you can’t label your own fellow citizens as something you're labeling immigrants, then why label anyone anything at all? Same thing goes for treating them differently. You get around and see many people a day. You can’t tell who’s going to hurt you or do bad to your country. Just like you can’t look at an immigrant and see that he/she is going to come in our country and harm you, so why keep treating them differently if you don’t even know you? In life you should never be so quick to judge someone by their appearance. Because if you do that everyday, then you’d think you found some very bad people.

The author's comments:

Its just a article on one of the biggest inequalities there is.

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