Drones | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By kep22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
kep22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people believe that drones are good, but it can be argued that they are not good and that they are unsafe.  Some people say that drones are unsafe because they can run into things and can kill innocent people, but others say that drones are good and helpful because they can stop terrorists and poachers, help farmers and disasters, and they are also fun.  Drones are good and are helpful to society. 

First of all drones can stop terrorists and poachers.  They can help stop people from doing bad things like killing animals and killing people, those people who kill them being poachers and terrorists.  In Africa rhinos are going extinct, and people are using drones to help stop the poachers who are killing them.  “One American man is now testing a plan to use drones to halt illegal rhinoceros hunting.  Hundreds of the endangered animals are being killed for their horns every year.” (Newsela) (Catching illegal rhino hunters by remote control).  People do not want rhinoceroses to become extinct, and wildlife conservationists want to do more than just document the death of nature.  And rhinos aren’t the only animals going extinct because other animals are also being targeted by poachers.  But drones can also stop terrorists.  Drones can be used to collect data to stop bad people and things.  Drones are in a military program where they can help find terrorists by using their built-in cameras, and then the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) goes and stops them.  “Robert S. Mueller 111 also told a senate committee that the National Security Agency spy program helped track terror plots.” (Newsela) (FBI used drones to spy on Americans inside U.S., its director admits).  So basically the fact that these drones have built-in cameras and are small, they can take pictures of things and are small enough to do a lot of good.  Good things like stopping terrorists and poachers.  And those people need to be stopped since they are getting better technology and better at doing the bad things that they are doing.  Their technology is way more advanced.  Drones should be able to top all of that and make everything better. 

Next, drone’s cameras are helping a lot as well, mostly with natural disasters.  For example they can help farmers tend to their crops.  Keep the food clean, safe, and healthy.  Well better than before drones.  “With a drone, Zach Fiene can receive detailed pictures of a corn field.  He can see exactly what parts of the field are struggling with plant disease, insects or a lack of water.  In minutes, he can gather as much information as someone walking for several hours.” (Newsela) (More farmers are using drones to help tend to the crops).  The cameras can take pictures of the food, and if they are struggling then farmers can help those crops better than them walking on foot and missing something by accident.  Then this will help agricultural problems, which is a big problem because you need clean and healthy food to stay alive and healthy.  Plus drones can help with other natural disasters like tornadoes and wildfires.  They can also find survivors of natural disasters because helicopter choppers can be loud and drown out calls for help.  “The aircraft can also be used to help fight wildfires, dust agricultural crops and inspect pipes.  Quiet ones can help locate survivors in the aftermath of a disaster.  After the Moore tornado, officials had to stop helicopters from flying over elementary schools where people were searching for survivors.  The noisy choppers were drowning out calls for help from the wreckage.” (Newsela) (Into the storm: Using drones to track twisters).  The Moore tornado was pretty much a tornado in Orlando, and the Moore tornado was a really bad one.  And this will make things a lot better because people fear these disasters, and if they feel like things will be better, they’ll feel safer, and it is always good to feel safe. 
Finally, drones are also fun and easy to learn how to fly.  “Drones also break up the boredom of fieldwork.  ‘It’s a blast.  I think everybody wants to fly,’ Sellnow said.” (Newsela) (More farmers are using drones to tend to the crops).  Because drones are so popular, a lot of people have them.  Everyone finds them fun.  But if you practice enough, you can learn how to fly one the right way without any problems. 

Furthermore, most people worry that drones are going to run into things and there are going to be midair collisions.  “Some aviation professionals worry about the risk of midair collisions.  ‘We can’t see them,’ Andrew Moore said about small drones.” (Newsela) (More farmers are using drones to tend to the crops).  But if you think about it, that can all be prevented if you learn how to fly a drone.  Plus most of the time when you see them, they are outside in big open fields and places where midair collisions aren’t that likely.  Most people are smart about it.  So while drones can run into things, and might kill innocent people, that can be prevented, and there’s probably a good reason behind it.  You can learn how to drive and control a drone, and even if people are innocent, they were suspects, so they did something, and they were not entirely innocent.  So it proves again how drones are good and helpful to society.

In conclusion, drones can be good and bad, both sides are pretty clear.  The cameras are pretty much the whole reason for trouble and the good things that they do.  Yes, some people use drones in bad ways, but most people use them in good ways.  Just because some people do, doesn’t mean they all do.  There is so much evidence to prove that a lot more people use drones for good instead of bad, like for helping problems in the world.  Helping predict tornadoes stopping poachers and terrorists, and helping natural problems are just some of the few problems in the world that drones are helping fix.  This proves that drones are good.  But think about it, if drones were not used for certain reasons there would be a lot of problems without solutions, what would these problems be then? Probably a lot worse.

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