Trans-Youth Discrimination: Mental Health and The Affects | Teen Ink

Trans-Youth Discrimination: Mental Health and The Affects

May 26, 2023
By Anonymous

Imagine being discriminated against everyday because of who you are, or having thoughts running through your head because you never thought that you would be this affected by something someone said. Being called names, being harassed or bullied. These actions can go a very long way in your life because people think you're mental, or weird. 

The discrimination can lead to many thoughts in your mind ranging from harming yourself, to suicide attempts, mental health problems, not being as social in life, eating disorders, and violence attempts or being scared to go home, because of how your parents don’t respect or treat you well enough, you dont feel welcomed no matter where you go; these problems just follow you. 

These variety of things can impact the way you live, and nobody would ever know what you go through. These thoughts just keep repeating through your head, and won't go away. How do you keep going when you know this happens everyday, and you know it will impact you more and more every experience.

My friend Sarah, a 12 year old girl attempted suicide because of the affects that discrimination had against her. People in school targeted her for being who she was and who she liked, that was NOT okay. Many kids thought it was funny until they heard that she attempted. They realized how much words can affect someone's life, and how they see the world, which is something that everyone should try and see. 

Trans-youth individuals go through daily discrimination everyday because of who they like, who they are as a person and that can lead to a lot of health problems in their lives. Mental health plays a big role in everyone's lives, no matter who you are because it can affect the way people see people or the world, it affects their communication. Being discriminated against can lead to varieties of problems. Taking this issue seriously is something people need to be educated about. Trans individuals ranging from many ages are affected by this problem, a lot lose their lives, which can lead to an decrease of the population. That can affect the way these youths see the world, being terrified of being discriminated against, or being scared to go anywhere knowing that people have the right to judge you. The Government wants to take action from the will of these individuals because many young people have major problems that affect their way of living. If they dont fix this then it can impact many others, not just these individuals, such as parents/caregivers and many people who do care for these youths. 

LGTBQ+ discrimination has all of a sudden been an issue worldwide, many youths have been affected by the SB150 that just appeared in Kentucky. The discrimination against these youths can drive their mental health to be something they can’t recover from. The Government should care about this because it takes many lives of youths that just wanted to be themselves and live life. According to a recent report,  “Another shameful attack on LGBTQ youth in Kentucky, the General Assembly has overridden Governor Beshear’s veto of Senate Bill 150.” and, “SB 150 was rushed through the legislature in a deliberately secretive process at the 11th hour.” (ACLU-KY 1)  Due to this new bill many youths in Kentucky struggle to find their peace. These individuals already have problems fitting in their daily lives. This bill is just impacting youths' lives more because the population is getting affected by the deaths of these youths. More states have to try and recover from the bills made in their states that can affect them poorly. The biggest effect that these trans-youth bills across the nation cause is the government making these laws against the will of these youths, Olivia Krauth, the author of Courier Journal states, “The bill was initially school-focused and allowed teachers to misgender students by using pronouns aligned with their biological sex even if the student doesn't identify with them.” (Courier Journal 2.) This bill has caused so many problems such as schools would not be allowed to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity with students ranging for any age. Schools are not allowed to talk about sexually transmitted diseases, school districts would be required to craft bathroom policies and have a minimum of no trans to use the proper bathrooms. Due to trans-youth mental health, Kentucky's Republican led majority should reverse laws that discriminate against LGTBQ+ individuals. 

Across the nation people have led movements that have effective language and attitudes against trans-youth. Understanding the history and current problems that these youths face can help people realize what these humans go through daily, it can help people understand the negative impacts that discrimination can have in the lives of LGTBQ+ individuals. Discrimination against LGBTQ individuals is a pervasive and deeply troubling problem in many societies around the world, In Axios News, author Russel Contreras states, “The new laws are mainly in the South and Midwest. They were approved over objections from critics who say the laws are cruel, unconstitutional and could lead to more suicides among transgender youths — whose rates already are 7.6 times higher than other youths.” Members of the LGBTQ community face a range of challenges in their daily lives, from being denied basic rights and protections to experiencing hate crimes and violence. In many places, LGBTQ individuals are still not obtaining the same amount of treatment and the same legal protections as other groups, and they may face discrimination in areas such as just living their daily lives. This can lead to significant social and economic disadvantages, many LGBTQ individuals continue to fight for their rights and try to find a more positive outcom such as these individuals try and stick up for themselves and stay positive, and never give up. “A federal judge has blocked part of an Alabama law that criminalizes gender-affirming medication, pending trial. An upcoming ruling in an Arkansas trial could support or undermine the legal ground on which gender-affirming care laws have been built in several states.” This evidence suggests that these youths are being discriminated against all around the world, and how these laws can affect the lives of trans-youths. 

Discrimination against these youths can affect multiple people, not just them. That can lead to a variety of people such as parents and fellow members who make leads for rights, pride festivals, protests and more, to help these individuals fell welcome as who they are. There are many risks that lead to this issue, and that can range from poor mental health, suicide, experiencing violence, risky behaviors and other risks that can affect health. According to ACLU, “These measures target transgender and nonbinary people for discrimination, such as barring access to the use of appropriate facilities like restrooms, restricting trans students’ ability to fully participate in school and sports, allowing religiously-motivated discrimination against trans people, or making it more difficult for them to get identification documents with their name and gender.” (ACLU 3) These new rules can decline the way these youths see the world, and how unsafe they feel. Many parents do not accept their kid which can affect the way that kid views home, or going to school and knowing people don't accept you there either. That can affect any youth very badly, and that can lead to so many health problems, and bigger mental health problems such as suicide attempts and harming, which can affect the lives of people that DO care for these youths. 

Anywhere trans-youths go, every presence should educate themselves on how to treat and respect others gender identity, and sexual orientation. Jonah DeChants, senior research scientist, at The Trevor Project states, “It’s promising to see a majority of Americans oppose these dangerous, misguided bills targeting the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender young people, at a time when we’re witnessing nonstop anti-trans political attacks and irresponsible news coverage across both mainstream and right-wing outlets.” These laws are anywhere these youths go, such as school, home, and other public places which is an affront to everyone's daily lives. These laws can go far in someone's life, and mainly target the young trans people, Erin C. Wilson, author of National Library of Medicine stated, “Australia recently found that almost half of the sample experienced psychological distress” and, psychological distress was associated with younger age; lack of family social support; greater number of victimization experiences; pointing to heightened need for research with youth in the trans population.” (NLOM 1) This evidence explains the impacts of these youths and what they go through after being discriminated againstbecause of the loses an daffections that they have to go though. Which can affect the trans population poorly. 

Trans youth face major discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including access to healthcare, education, and social support, which can have immense effects on their mental health and well-being. These youths need to find their peace in this world, LGBTQ patients and families have historically experienced discrimination in healthcare settings. When arriving at a healthcare facility, many assess the environment to determine if they will be accepted and supported.” ( CHildrens Hospital of Chicago, 10)  Some solutions for that could be providing supportive environments, like making sure everyone doesn't hate these individuals. Make sure that they can welcome themselves into an environment like that. Another solution for this problem is supporting the trans youth community. You have to make sure you are able to handle yourself and give love to these youths, providing empowering environments these youths could be to advocate. Reducing discrimination needs to happen and be fixed immediately. Every youth that is harmed by discrimination deserves to be treated just as equal as the people around them. There is no difference between these two humans.

Discrimination against trans youth can lead to myths and stereotypes about gender identity and expression that can violate their human rights to dignity, equality, and freedom from discrimination. These youths should have the same rights as anyone else. Stereotypes and myths can harm a kid with their words. Education for these youths' safety is very important and needs to be solved; trans youths' lives are at risk and recognition needs to be seen. According to Ann and Robert H Lurie, Children’s Hospital of Chicago  states, “ Transphobia, or discrimination against transgender people, can and does occur in spaces where youth deserve to feel safe and included, such as school.” (Childrens Hospital of Chicago, 6.)  School should be a safe place for these youths and people need to be educated. Having education on this issue is a key strategy for reducing discrimination against trans youth. This can include providing information about gender identity and expression or understanding the respect for trans individuals which can help the hurtful impact on these youths.

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