Discrimination: Still Alive Today | Teen Ink

Discrimination: Still Alive Today

October 21, 2010
By courtneyloux13 SILVER, West Sand Lake, New York
courtneyloux13 SILVER, West Sand Lake, New York
8 articles 2 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams come true only for those who have the courage to take action."

People are unique. Not everyone is a size two or has a sick pack and there are people out there who chose their own path instead of the more “traditional” one. Society needs to accept this. Especially when it comes to homosexuality and race; the reason I mention both topics together is because they’re both discriminated against, and for what? If a gay couple decides to get married, that’s their business and their right. People have the right to purse happiness and if two people of the same sex want to get married because it’s what makes them happy, then who are we to object? It doesn’t affect our own lives. People who label themselves “homophobic” are plain ignorant, to discriminate against someone because of their sexual preference is wrong.

The same goes for people of a different race. As a society we like to think that we’re accepting and open minded but we’re not. People are judged every single day for their ethnicity, which once again brings up the question, for what? Since when does the color of our skin define who we are? Sadly, I don’t have the answer to this question or any other question dealing with discrimination but I do know that I can make a difference and so can you. I dare you to think before you judge someone based on their appearance. I dare you to break out of the mold our society has so cleverly crafted for us and keep an open mind when it comes to life in general. For lack of better words, take a walk in someone else’s shoes, you’d be surprised.

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