Looking Cool | Teen Ink

Looking Cool

January 23, 2011
By Anonymous

Late on a Friday night a group of teenagers sit outside in the park. The smell of the drug filled his lungs. Quickly he exhaled and passed it to the girl. “Come on Kate, don’t be a loner, or we won’t hang out with you anymore.” The girl paused with the words wandering in her head. “Ok, but only one time.” The girl stopped and then inhaled the smoke. After two years her life has changed greatly. Teeth crumbling with every bite she takes. Shaking in the corner of the room, she thinks why? Why did I ever sneak out and go to that party? Her life torn to pieces. At the age of sixteen she has no job, no life, and no family. Remember those days when all you wanted to do was run through the wind. Playing as a princess or the knight? Not worrying about how your hair looks or how your friends see you? Making decisions these days isn’t so easy. Whether to take the drug or not? Just one time…..that’s what they all say and then alcohol, rehab, jail? Today’s generation has changed greatly. What will happen if I say no? Afraid of losing those childhood friends? However we agree. After a few years you don’t remember those friends who influenced you. But no one thinks of that. In that second all you care about is looking cool. Is saying “no” really that hard? Peer pressure is the main reason why teens do drugs, bully, and drink alcohol. Peer pressure triggers suicide and other violent thoughts. Putting everything on the line at the age of sixteen. Just to smoke one cigarette or to drink that one sip of beer. Consider losing your future job or your family. Be above everyone and say no to peer pressure.

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This article has 1 comment.

hope95 SILVER said...
on Feb. 14 2011 at 4:33 pm
hope95 SILVER, Hamilton, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is hard but death is cruel so put your big girl boots on and deal with it. my life has been harsh but im learning to deal with it one day at a time. life is like a box of chocolates, you never know watchya gonna get:)

i totally agree. many people are too worried about what others think. if they are really your friends, would they be pressuring you into something you dont want to do when they know where it is taking them? just think b4 you act.