Drunk Driving | Teen Ink

Drunk Driving

January 8, 2014
By heizy mejia BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
heizy mejia BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I smelled the alcohol right when i open the door of the car, but I greet as nothing is wrong hi father¨ I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. But why ? It's a hour ride to get home. Why now? ¨Dad watch out!¨ BOOM! We crash. I wake up alive, but cant feel my arms and legs. I find out I'm paralyzed, but he's dead.
Drinking and driving is dangerous. Anything can happen. Its is not safe and nothing good will come out of it. Driving while intoxicated can cause death and major injuries.
Did you know, 20% of the people who die while driving intoxicated were 20 years old or younger. Did you know, Almost half of drivers killed in crashes tested positive for drugs and alcohol in their system. Did you know, Males were more likely than female (15.1 vs. 7.9 percent) to drive drunk.
There are a lot of people in this world that think drunk driving is ok or is a little thing. But it's not. It's very dangerous. Also supposedly that it's like minor traffic infractions, as said DUI attorney Abdul. "Many of have made wrong impression to think that drunk driving is the same as minor traffic infractions. Unluckily, minor traffic infraction is not the case for drunk driving cases...."
I think that drunk driving is very unbelievable. It's unbelievable because every time somebody drinks and drives at the same time it ends up being something bad. It causes craziness, injuries even deaths. Especially when there are "victims". In this situation people call themselves victims but it's unfair. Those people have the chance to not get in the car in the first place. Also take the wheel if there sober. if not there's always a cab.
What if someone died that you've seen 2 hours before?

What if you survived and they didn't?
What if you were the cause of all of it?
If you see somebody drinking and driving please don't be a bystander. If you do something bad will happen and I bet you won't want to live with yourself. Please call 911 as soon as possible. If your in a situation like this or want to be prepared just go on http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/how-you-can-help/what-to-do-if-you-see-a-drunk.html it will tell you how to handle it. If you are the person intoxicated be careful don't get in the car. If it has occurred to you that drinking is a problem, I suggest help. Go on http://www.drugrehabcenter.com/ or call 1-800-559-9503.

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