Alcohol | Teen Ink


April 25, 2014
By Anonymous


The temptation to drink is everywhere you go. Maybe your peers in high school are begging you to go to a party on Friday night, but you have to have at least two beers and a few shots to fit in. It’s your first night at college, classes haven’t started yet, and you are surrounded by tons of new people and new attitudes. Of course you have to go to the first party of your freshman year to see who your friends are and aren’t. It’s past midnight, and your dad is being escorted home by the police because he is too drunk to drive. Again. People of every age are affected by alcohol, and are almost pressured to give in and take a drink, whether they want to or not. The effects of alcohol are grave. People have died from too much of it, they have died from getting behind the wheel completely overtaken by alcohol. People have wrecked friendships, family relationships, and their own self esteem due to this horrible drink they think is “fun”. Take it from someone who has had a close family member shipped off to a rehab center away from your family due to alcohol. Take it from someone who has been to rehab themselves, to see the horrors of what people have to go through once alcohol is ripped away from them. People become dependent on the cold, slick feeling of a bitter drink sliding down their throat. They become dependent on the wonderful feeling of freedom and carelessness once they get past the first three shots. Once they go home though, they have to face the real world, sober. And for some people that can’t be accomplished.

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