That one hit | Teen Ink

That one hit

April 28, 2014
By sfc18 BRONZE, Liberty, South Carolina
sfc18 BRONZE, Liberty, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

14 years old, sitting on the front porch with my sister and some of her friends. Trying to be cool, peer pressure took a tole on me. I look back now and wish I never would have taken that cigarette from my sister. I took my first hit off a cigarette. I always heard they were addictive, but I never thought I would have that problem, besides it was just one hit. I coughed until I was blue in the face. I never wanted to touch another one, but I didn’t want to look dumb around my friends I mean they were doing it. So I started the most addictive habit ever. I thought that I would quit. After all if my mom would have found out she would have freaked. i tried to quit, but it got to hard. So I didn’t. Then one night last year I was on the front porch smoking and my mom walks out. I thought I was going to pee on myself. Surprisingly she just closed the door. I knew she was mad but I had plans and didn’t want to ruin them by trying to go talk to her. Now here I am still smoking. I have tried to quit, but it always comes back to smoking. I wish I would have never taken that first hit. Now I don’t do it to look cool I do it to keep me calm. I have tried almost everything to quit, I just can’t. I spend 15 dollars a week on them. I could. If I could go back and never take that one hit, I would.

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