No Rain No Flowers | Teen Ink

No Rain No Flowers

June 2, 2021
By Anonymous

Rain isn’t the most ideal weather for most people. As a result of it, many events and gatherings have to be postponed or cancelled. Rainy days have a bad connotation and draw words like grey, sadness, cold, etc. Whether you like them or not, they are very unappreciated for the amount of impact they have good and bad. 

I view rainy days as a day of rest for both the sun and me. When it’s cold and damp outside it’s the perfect day to stay inside. Cuddle in warm fuzzy blankets and watch movies or reset your mind with a self-care day. I also think of rain as a sign of growth. In order to have flowers, fruits, and plants you need water to help them grow. Without rain life on earth would hardly exist. I remember this quote I saw that relates to this and it said, “When you ask for flowers, don’t be surprised when it starts raining.”  Rain symbolizes challenges and hardships; they aren’t too enjoyable but they only make you stronger and help you reach your potential.

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