Wisconsin | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

I love Wisconsin… not! I very deeply despise living here. I seriously have never wanted anything more in my life but to leave. One thing that I suppose is okay is the food. Culvers is amazing. I love getting cheese curds and concrete mixers after football games. Whenever you go you always see someone you know. I also like the culture in the summer. There is Summerfest, a state fair, huge cookouts, tailgating, eating, drinking, and more. The lake is constantly filled with boats and jet skis, especially during holiday weekends. One of my favorite pastimes is watching the sunset and taking pictures with my friends in front of the orange and pink skies. Most people have places they visit up north, including myself, where family and friends spend entire weeks outside. I think if I lived anywhere else in Wisconsin, however, I would hate that too. There is no big city (Milwaukee is no Chicago or New York City), the farmland is abundant, there are replicas of houses and apartments in every direction, and all of the schools are built off of anonymous donors and exceptional athletics. Although I am grateful for having access to so much food, shelter, and love, I am more than ready to explore the world and escape from Hartland Wisconsin. I love the thrill of trying new things, and the excitement of life beyond this small town.

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