Transcendentalism Today | Teen Ink

Transcendentalism Today

November 7, 2013
By Turner Eckford BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Turner Eckford BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pollution. Pollution has been an issue ever since I can remember. I remember that in the 3rd grade we had a man come and visit our school to discuss pollution and ways to improve it. But he was not specific in how we could help, only on how it harms us and the earth. There are 5 different types of pollution; land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and light pollution, each contributing dangers towards the earth. All of these put together have created nothing but a hell hole to live in. How are we going to live on a planet that does everything for us if we can not simply recycle or do many of the little things it asks of us, Studies have shown that you can develop things like lung cancer if you live in an area with a high level of air pollution. But it does not stop there. 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by the cause of pollution every year. It is classified as one of the biggest global killers. Since pollution effects over 100 million people, it is considered to be more ubiquitous than pandemics like AIDS. It is important that we take action now because we will regret not acting upon it. We are digging ourself into a deeper and wider hole. We are only killing the earth and ourselves. We need to start controlling our indolences and alter our ways of living/habits. We can do this easily. Carpool with some friends nearby, walk or ride a bike occasionally, turn of lights when you leave a room, and recycle paper, plastic and metals. These are just a few things we all can do to improve our health and wellness. A thriving organization that helps with pollution would be "WHO", The World Health Organization. They have helped 728 million people in assisting them with preventive chemotherapy for at least one disease in 2011. They have done incredible things that one person can not accomplish alone. I fully support them and hope that they will continue in the direction they are moving. Pollution can be related to Transcendentalism in a few ways. Ralph Waldo Emerson is a Transcendentalist that is greatly influenced by nature and its well being. He would be confident in preaching that he does not like how we have created this pollution and would be highly against it.

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