The L Word | Teen Ink

The L Word

December 9, 2019
By Anonymous

The L word — love — is the word that is either said too much or too little. Some people tend to overuse it to the point where it doesn’t have much meaning left. The point of using the word is to show, whoever we want to tell, how we feel about them. There’s no point of using the word if we don’t mean it. People should be more careful when saying they love someone and make sure they truly mean it. 

To begin with, people should say “I love you” more to their friends and family. People should say the three word term more, with meaning, because it is important to let loved ones know how we feel about them. Sometimes people may feel like they are unloved and I think it’s important to remind them every once in a while. I also believe that everyone is loved in their own special way but someone, whether it’s a family member, friend, and/or significant other. We are all loved.

In addition, People should say the three words more since we don’t know when it’ll be the last change we get to. This year has been very rough for my family and even friends. My family lost a few family members that I wasn’t too close to but my mother and grandmother were. It made me upset to see them so upset, losing a family member is rough. I wish that I got that chance to say goodbye to them. Some of my friends have also lost close family members and I feel bad because I wish there was more I can do to help them with their pain. I know that some of us wish we could’ve spent more time with our loved ones and tell them how we really felt — how much we love them.

To summarize, we should take the L word seriously.  People should be more careful when saying they love someone and make sure they truly mean it. A four letter word may not seem much at first but it can have a great impact. When used correctly, the word has a greater meaning and power behind it. The way the L word — love — is said truly affects us.

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