Lonely In a Place With no Love | Teen Ink

Lonely In a Place With no Love

May 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Scars that hurt too much. Wounds that are just too deep. We find ourselves begging, pleading, wanting it to stop. To end. Because heartbreak is too sad to watch, and to even feel, and it's even harder to watch them walk towards the person who has their heart. Why is it that it seems as if heartbreak hurts so much more than any other pain felt in a human being? Are the memories to blame? Somehow, in some way,they always linger, somewhere in our hearts. Maybe it's even possible that its the memories that make it hurt much more, and they make us want to rewind back to where it all began. All we want is someone to fix us, to mend us, but is it possible? When all we secretly desire is that same person to be the one.

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