Hope Insdie Despair | Teen Ink

Hope Insdie Despair

February 11, 2014
By MissGoff BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
MissGoff BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You only are who you make yourself. Don't try to be other people, make a name for yourself.

Rachel’s father is no longer there when she needs him to be. She’s sad, hurt, confused, all the things that she should be feelings. However, if she closed her eyes, she remember the good times when her father was still here which to her, was all that counts.

I can relate to this by a small part, my father and I don’t talk at all. We used to be so close and happy together until he got married and ran off. I was hurt, confused and was always questioning was it my fault. My mother always told me that things happen for a reason, however, what could my reason for my father leaving be? I am not surprised that there are other who feel the same or might even have the same problem. There are many family's that are split or separated.

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