Girls | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By Gisela Hernandez BRONZE, Maplewood, Missouri
Gisela Hernandez BRONZE, Maplewood, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Girls, Girls , Girls! Girls come in every shape and size. From tall to short, skinny to thick to fat, long hair to short, etc. Not every girl is the same. You can’t know what a girl feels or thinks without her expressing it. But there are some cheats to dealing with girls. Whether it’s your friend, crush, girlfriend, lover, etc. Not all girls are the same, these tips can help with the majority of girls.

Girls are complicated: Simple as that! You might find your self wondering if someone likes you, or just likes you as a friend. That’s because there is a thin line from best-friend to actually crush. One day you might find your relationship really close and the next day you guys don’t even speak. Most girls send mix signals. Often times they do this without knowing, and other times it just a confusion. The best way to avoid all of this, is to establish your relationship. Do they want a friend, a boyfriend/girlfriend or just someone to mess around with? Let them know what you want. A girl named Amanda started talking to this boy named Jacob; Jacob thought they were starting to get serious. People began asking her if they were a thing, she said no we are just friends. If Jacob established his relationship with Amanda he wouldn’t have wasted time on something that wasn’t gonna happen. He could have simply had a friendship and not look stupid to the student body.

Girls in general are a handful and there are key things to how to deal / approach them. Never blame a girl’s mood swing on their period. That’s a big NO! Everyone has rough days here and there and no it’s not right to take it out on someone. But it doesn’t make it any better to blame it on their menstrual cycle. In most cases, blaming the mood-swings will actually make it worse. Another huge no would be comparing her to other girls. That goes for physical comparisons as well as personality traits. Not one human being is exactly the same which also means not every girl is exactly the same. Build a girl doesn’t exist, you can’t craft a girl to your liking. There will be things you don’t like, and you’ll have to accept her for her. If her friend doesn't like you then it will be more complicated. Friends approval is crucial even if you might not like the girl still be nice to her because who knows her friend might like you and if her friend doesn’t like you then it will be more complicate. If my best-friend didn’t like the guy I was talking to, she would do her best to keep us separate. If he was mean to her or someone else, she would emphasize on what a big douche bag he is.

When you find your self liking someone you often try to show your best side. Try to empress your lover, and do everything as perfect as possible. A big way to impress your crush is simple hygiene. Showering, brushing your hair and teeth, and wearing deodorant. A guy that maintains well groomed and smells nice is a keeper. Girls are needy, they want someone to care for them and show it but not be clingy. There is a huge difference with treating you girl nice: checking up on her, making her smile and laugh. Than constantly following her around like a little puppy, blowing up her phone, and stalking her social media life. Understand that you both have lives and are entitled to your own liberty. Just because you are in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to spend every waking second with them. Give each other enough space so you don’t suffocate each other. Know the girl Im not just saying actually know her in person or know where they live. Know how she is. Is she a natural flirt? Does she like gummy worms instead of chocolate? Does she prefer jewelry over flowers? Believe it or not not all girls best friends are diamonds. Most importantly always remember her birthday. Nothing says I care about you, then waiting till midnight to say happy birthday.

A committed relationship in our generation has changed. Don’t stop doing the little things you did to get her. There’s a reason why she said yes, and just because you can call her yours doesn’t mean you can stop trying. A main reason for failed relationships are couples rushing things: Dating after a week of knowing each other, thinking that their significant other is “the one”, “falling in love” too quickly. Many people have been led to believe that relationships are perfect and everything is effortless, yet little do they know that relationship take time and there will be rough patches, here and there. They fail to realize that that relationship they love is just an act and not actually real. What makes a relationship a good one is the understanding of one another and will of each, to overcome obstacles and pursue happiness.

There are some cheats to dealing with girls. Whether it’s your friend, crush, girlfriend, lover, etc. Not all girls are the same, these tips can help with the majority of girls. Remember that most girls send mix signals so establish your relationship. Blaming a girl’s mood swing on their period. is a big NO. A guy that maintains well groomed and smells nice is a keeper, friends approval is crucial so do your best to have a healthy relationship. Understand that you both have lives and are entitled to your own liberty. Most importantly not all girls are the same, so get to know her.

The author's comments:
To give advice to guys or girls that have girl problems.

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