Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 27, 2013
By Kamelia BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kamelia BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An event that was in the book that wasn’t in the movie was Locke and Demosthenes. In the book this was Peter and Valentines names as publishers. Another part of the book that changed was when Ender beat up the kid Stilson.
In the book Ender kicked him in the nose and he died but in the movie they didn’t show him dead. Another event that changed from the text was a bunch of kids running around naked in their army dorms. Most of the events that were in the book were in the movie.

I think the director chose to leave out the part of Locke and Demosthenes because it was really important and if they did make it a part of the movie the movie would be to long. I think it was a good idea to leave it out because in the book it was boring to read about and if they did put it in the movie it wouldn’t make sense with the parts they did leave in the movie. For the part when Ender was beating up Stilson I think they left that part off because if they showed him on the ground covered with more blood it would be to gruesome. I’m glad they left that part out because I wouldn’t really want to see a guy dying covered in blood. I’m also glad they left out the part with kids running around naked because when reading I didn’t want to picture it and I didn’t want to see that in the movie.

The actor in the movie I thought would be younger because in the book he is suppose to be six years old but in the movie he looks twelve. I was imagining him to be a six year old boy who was kicking but with the upper classmen at a really young age. I pictured Ender and his brother Peter playing Buggers and Astronauts in the back of their yard. I also pictured Valentine to be younger and almost the same young age as Ender. I also pictured Bonzo to be taller not looking up to Ender who is much younger than him. Petra was prettier in the movie but in the book I thought she was a lot more tomboy. Everything else that happened during the movie I kind of imagined in my head.

I think some parts in the movie made it better like when they left out Locke and Demosthenes. I think it was better that they left it out because it would of made the movie to long. I think that if they left out Ender beating up Stilson it wouldn’t be as good because it wouldn’t show how strong Ender proves to be at such an age. If they made Bonzo bigger and not so that Ender has to look down at him it would’ve mad Bonzo look older and made him look like he was charge of that toon for a long time. Mostly everything that weren?t in the book was better left out because it wasn?t that important or it would have made the movie to long.
In my opinion after reading the book then watching the movie I liked the movie better because I understood scenes that were in the book. Some people might say that books better than the movie but to me the book is hard to understand. But if you enjoy action, adventure, and a little of drama them this is a movie for you. Though they left some parts from the book out i think it was better left out. Some changes I wish they didn’t change was when he was suppose to go to battle school at the age of six instead in the movie he looked older. The characters in the movie are Ender, Peter, Valentine, Graff, Petra, Bonzo, Mazer Rackham, Dap, Bean, and Alai. I got a better image after watching the movie of all the characters. Some of them I didn’t expect to look like how they did.

The author's comments:
This is a movie review on how i thought the movie was compared to the book

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