Top 10 Rappers - #4 Tupac | Teen Ink

Top 10 Rappers - #4 Tupac

May 19, 2014
By ImMtnDrew GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
ImMtnDrew GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only control what you can control."

Tupac was seen as a "Gangster" or "Thug" although he was a positive and humble person. He believed in and praised God. His music was seen as Thugish, but that's what he was living like. Trying to make it better, but all you can do is try. His music inspired people to look for the better things in life, rather than get locked up and throw their life away. Tupac actually went to prison for some time. While there, He worked out, studied the bible, and found out everything he could about Machiavelli, hence the nickname "Makaveli". Which is what leads people to believe the return of Tupac. Machiavelli was a war strategist that faked his death, only to get revenge after his enemies passed and attacked them from behind.". People believe that Tupac's death was staged. Supposedly his body was cremated soon after his "death", which is unusual for a celebrity. It's also been said that the body was missing some significant tattoos. So some people believe in the return of Makaveli in 2014 (2+1+4=7 = 7 Days of Illuminati / The Return of Machiavelli) and if that doesn't happen, His music will surely live on and inspire others.


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