Fashion | Teen Ink


February 6, 2014
By cassie frami BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
cassie frami BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Editor,

I really enjoy the Teen Ink magazine. There are a lot of articles that I enjoy reading. I think that fashion should be in the Teen Ink magazine because some people like to read fashion articles in magazines. I believe that Teen Ink should have some pictures in a fashion section so people can know what kind of clothes and trends are becoming popular. Being fashionable can make a person feel good when they are wearing clothes that are popular.
Some suggestions of things you can put in the magazine are pictures of clothes, make-up, accessories, and other cool things about fashion. In addition to pictures you have a section for tips on how to layer clothes and accessorize. There are different fashions for each season. It will be nice to see different ideas for clothes in each of your published magazines.

Thanks for your consideration,

Cassie F

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