Granted Powers | Teen Ink

Granted Powers

February 26, 2014
By dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Heroes are made by the paths they choose not the powers they are granted.” Brodi Ashton wrote this quote. He wrote this quote because, it’s the path a person chooses that makes them a hero, not because of the powers they have been given at birth. In our world, I believe we need more heroes to make it a more safe environment and to reduce the deaths per year due to suicides, fires, gun shootings, and drownings. Saving lives, helping a person in need, and being a role model are all possible ways a person may become a hero.

One way a person can become a hero is by saving a person in need. By saving a life, they could possibly rescue a person and/or an animal from a burning building. Another way someone may become a hero is by saving someone from drowning, at any age. Bullying, there are tons of teens a year committing suicide because of bullying. Chris Colfer from a no-bullying website wrote this quote, “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper; They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end you end up polished and they end up useless.” Not only can a person become a hero by saving a life, they could also help a person in need such as; walking a dog for a neighbor,or helping someone carry their groceries.

Ways a person could help someone in need is as easy as opening a door for someone. Being a para for a mentally disabled person is definitely a way anyone can become a hero. By being a hero, anyone could shovel someones driveway, mow their lawn, or rake their yard. There are many ways someone can be a hero such as; being thoughtful, kind, and generous. Anyone can be a hero just by simply helping someone out. Even guide dogs can be heroes because, they are helping blind people live and experience, their life. A person can also be a hero just by being a role model.

Celebrities are role models, which can become heroes. A president, like Barack Obama, can be a role model because of all the things he has accomplished since he has become president. Someone who has a job that you want, could be a role model. A role model is someone you look up too such as; a sibling, uncle, aunt, grandmother, or even a parent etc. Children with only one parent definitely can be called heroes because they are taking on twice the job that any other parents would be taking care of. Role models are heroes too, not just people who save lives are heroes.

Anyone can be a hero, it just takes courage, generosity, and a warm hearted person to be one. "Heroes are made by the paths they choose not the powers they are granted with. "Patrick J. Kiger wrote this quote from how stuff works, "We need heroes because they define the limits of our aspiration...." We need heroes in our world to give people second chances in their life. Whether it’s saving their life, helping a person in need just by opening the door for someone, or just being a role model of someone.

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