Society's Values | Teen Ink

Society's Values

May 11, 2014
By sabrinafabbri BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
sabrinafabbri BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Obsessions and fads come and go throughout today’s society; the human race is becoming more shallow and unruly day by day. Even though citizens are blindsided to what is really going on in the world, one thing that people are well aware of is pop culture and trends. For instance, starting as a young child people enforce common values such as, success, equality, and political correctness; wanting to change society for the better, to be a provider not a taker.

Children’s parents often praise the day when their little boy or girl says that “When I grow up, I want to be the President” it brings a since of warmth to the parents because deep down is a thought that their child is going to improve the world. Having a balanced political correctness helps citizens stay calm and orderly because it ensures that the world is safe and everything is going to be alight. A downfall to having this value so highly praised is it usually tends to cause high egos. For instance, politicians are supposed to speak for the people and help improve their daily lives, when in reality politicians are the richest and completely unaware of true problems going on in the middle class.

Even if children do not have that high of standards, success is another highly stressed and promoted value. It is every parents dream to have their children be successful and accomplished in life as well as being content with what has been done. For example, there are different levels of success which pertain to different people. Success may be becoming rich and famous for someone, while for another person success may just mean being the first in the family to go to college. One example would be in the documentary “Bully” there is a teen which is brutally made fun of due to his financial situation, but overcomes their reticule and gets a scholarship to go to college. Success is in the eyes of the beholder and should never be changed due to what others say and do.

Just like how the boy from the documentary was not treated the same due to his financial problems, many people try to stress equality as a value that everyone should except even though it rarely is. Treating people equally has developed new meanings over the centuries, first was women equality, then it was African American, now it shallowly moved to financial equality. Even though people still preach that everyone is created equal, discrimination is still widely practiced without even knowing it. For instance, I witnessed just last weekend at church a new man walk into the dining hall wearing a suit be greeted by multiple people, but just a few minutes after the middle aged male walked in so did a recognizably homeless man who was only greeted by the pastor and one head elder. It is just subtle things like that in which people need to be more welcoming to.

More people should pay attention to good values and stick to them. It is hard to have dignity while at the same time being able to go against what might popularly be the trend. Having political correctness, success, and equality being the main values of human existence can ensure a righteous and fulfilled life.

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