Inner vs. Outer Beauty | Teen Ink

Inner vs. Outer Beauty

September 7, 2014
By poojasree45 GOLD, San Ramon, California
poojasree45 GOLD, San Ramon, California
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Thats the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."

In today’s society, everyone is more concerned about their looks than their true personality. Everyone simply tries to look beautiful, embracing their outer beauty, but letting a hideous, green monster grow under the layers of makeup and clothing. That monster may not be visible to a person you meet at a party, but they can surely hear and sense that vicious beast, that is clawing apart your humanity.

Why do we all love princesses and fairytales? We adore these childish tales for a few reasons, they have happy endings, the good guys win, the bad guys get punished and last of all, the prince and princess are perfect. They are perfect in the sense that they have outer and inner beauty; their gorgeous complexions and features are accompanied by a good heart and a personality that is only known to us in movies, books and dreams. Being humans, most of us strive for perfection. Since we have already ruled out that we cannot have the fictitious characters’ personality, we at least try to imitate their physical beauty by masking our true selves’ under excessive amounts of expensive poison.

I am by no means saying that if you wear makeup you have no character, I am simply saying that if a person cannot accept you for your personality, and needs you to be more attractive to balance out your flaws, they are not good enough for you. In the end it is of course your choice what to wear and how to look, but just remember, once that troll begins to grow within you, it will crawl all over your soul, infecting it, ripping it apart, like poison ivy.

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