What's Your Relationship | Teen Ink

What's Your Relationship

November 10, 2014
By Dakota Edwards BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Dakota Edwards BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Dakota EdwardsI knew from the moment my LG G2 lept from its clean white box into my hands, it was love at first sight. I could say whatever I wanted to anyone i could think of, anywhere in the world! I I was connected and I Absolutely loved it. To think, all because of the beauty that fit in my palm; smooth, sleek, black wrapped around a clear bright screen, illuminating my life to millions of Facebook posts, truckloads of tweets, more snaps than there are numbers high enough to count them! As soon as it became mine I was hooked, I couldn't look away, couldn't stop tapping - couldn't stop typing; Walking to class was hassle enough and bumping into everything turned my shins into mush. My phone did everything for me, it woke me up, told me the time, the weather, my location, my direction, my schedule... my life.

my phone told me my life

Days turned to weeks and weeks rolled out into months, My phone got to know me better than even i probably did. That is, until, one bittersweet day in February, that changed my perspective, I reached into my pocket to check my messages for the 9 millionth time that day and It slipped right out, and with a heart breaking crash, shattered on the cold cement. In a blink of an eye, there went all my Snapchats, my tweets, my Instagrams, all gone! I was devastated.

So there i was, without my little buddy for who knows how long while the insurance company fixed it up, but who was gonna tell me what to do? Who was supposed to wake me up? Who'll tell me where i need go go?? I was in shock, with no idea how I was going to survive without it, I was no better than some dirty caveman! but as the metaphorical smoke cleared and life resumed, I noticed something; Without my eyes glued to the screen I noticed so much more, I saw clouds in the sky and pretty girls and squawking birds; it was like I was on vacation without ever leaving! I moved quicker, I looked people in their eyes, not at their profile pictures, I slept better, I went out more, I..I lived. I lived! I had forgotten how to be a person and now that I truly saw people, I noticed how glued they were to their technology, it disgusted me to see them caught in a frenzy of typing and there was nothing (legal) i could do to save them. I was baffled that only a few short weeks ago that had been me, I had typed ''i love you" more than I said it. I sent messages more than I spoke words; that screen was my prison and when it cracked, I had been set free.

Life was just a little bit calmer now, I didn't have to deal with the constant nagging of notifications anymore and my thumbs weren't best friends with a keypad, in fact, I was almost positive this was what it was like to be Amish (all i needed was a big hat and a beard) That is, Until one morning I shuffle to my door to find a familiar white box sitting on my doorstep, greeting me like some lost lover begging me to take her back (why wouldn't she? I write for Teen Ink. after all, I'm practically famous.) I didn't know whether to be horrified or overjoyed! my phone was my phone after all, and in this day in age its impossible not to have one... what was i going to do? this time though, I'd answer that question myself and not let technology do it for me.

Even with my iron will (not to toot my own horn) I'll admit; resisting the urge to constantly play with my phone was a little difficult at first (should i leave it on or off? should I keep it on silent or vibrate? what brightness is too bright?) I wanted to enjoy time spent with my friends, but at the same time there was so many new posts, so many new videos, so many new pictures! it was so tempting, and throughout the day my thumb found its way to the “on” button time after time after time. That familiar illuminating screen was edging closer and closer to becoming my prison once more! but alas as irresistible as it could be, there was still homework to do, dates to go on, movies to see, jobs to finish; twitter would just have to wait. And after awhile it could; the urge to post every inkling of thought that ran through my mind got smaller and smaller, the need to snap every funny picture I saw got weaker and weaker. I even came to realize my phone wasn't just a social machine, it could even help me in class!  with Google Docs, QR readers, textbook PDF’s; there was a whole ocean of information in my hands and I had been too caught up with the superficiality of social media to realize its true potential. If I was able to live with my phone and not for it, then maybe i could find a balance after all.

That time has long since past. (Its been a practical eternity in teenage years) and I have been able to live with my phone. I've learned that ultimately, you are the one that lives life; that you aren't defined by what is around you, but exactly how you use that which is around, and when you let that screen become your prison, you become no better or any less hollow than the technology you control. my phone may not be my best friend, my master, or my wifey but its what i turn to when i need an answer that i can't find myself; its what i use to create beautiful masterpieces and biology essays and journalism columns (which may or may not include this one) but that's precisely it; I create them. What matters is that I use my phone, not that I am my phone. I actually enjoy the fresh air and the warm sun in my eyes and the cool breeze against my face, I don’t let my weather app tell me its beautiful outside, I let the world tell me...

and maybe- just maybe- when that gets boring, I 'll play Flappy Bird.

So adoring readers, what's your relationship with your phone? Is it your inseparable ally, or simply a dispensable tool? Your trusty little buddy or just a hunk of plastic and glass? do you feel too attached to your phone or is it an extra limb? The answer to that lies on you, dear (not to mention totally attractive ) readers,  just so long as you remember...

    Own your possessions, don't be them.

The author's comments:

this was origionally written for my school newspaper, The Rampage, and realizing it might have have some potential, I decided to sned it to teen ink

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