Stop the Act | Teen Ink

Stop the Act

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Last year, my cousin was shot in the head at a pike party. People don’t understand that guns can hurt people. People with guns trend to shoot other people with guns. I think guns should be restricted in the United States but people like officers, the military, and other people who help protect our country.

People should not be able to use guns .An average of 297 people die a day by guns.(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”) I think that is a lot of people to die in one day. America is a big country with almost everyone has a gun for some reason. 55 people kill themselves with a firearm.(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”) Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Have you ever heard that expression. If you don’t have a gun permit but you have a gun. If you’re not in danger with someone than you don’t need one.

You shouldn’t walk around places with guns. In a video I seen a little baby put a real gun in his mouth and his parents was laughing about it.(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”) I bet if the baby shot himself or the parents they would have rejected giving him the gun.    A man pulls out a gun and accidentally fire the gun.The bullet hit near his abdomen.(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”) This is why you don’t play with guns in the first place.Have you ever heard of the saying “It’s the gun not the person holding it.


What is a reason you would want a gun. It can’t be just to have it because that’s can’t be it. I mean it could be because people could be people wanting you to die then I understand. Anything after that than you don’t need to have a gun.(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”) What I’m trying to say is that I hate guns because they do serious damage. I just wish that guns were never invented because too many people die by guns.

Well, I think you are wrong because people die all the time because they don’t have anything to protect themselves. Guns  hurt people but they can protect you from a lot of crazy people in this world. Well people might not shoot if you don’t have a weapon, but what if they came to shoot you anyway.  People don’t need guns anyway.Well, you might think that but I think something else.


I still think guns are bad and you shouldn’t use them. Too many people die a day it’s already bad a enough that people are losing a lot of family. All I’m trying to say is that they need to put the guns away.
(“Children and Gun Violence | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence”)

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