Should Kids Under 13 Be Able To Use Instagram? | Teen Ink

Should Kids Under 13 Be Able To Use Instagram?

April 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Should kids under 13 be able to use Instagram? Well, I say YES because Instagram is a fun way to share photos and pictures with friends, family, and the world. I have a good way to settle issues with kids faking their age to get onto Instagram. Instagram could lower their age limit to 9 or 10, and automatically make accounts belonging to kids under 13 private. The downside of that is that private accounts can still follow accounts that post inappropriate things and see them on their page. Currently, Instagram will terminate any accounts belonging to a kid under 13 years old. Many  tweens (ages 9-12) are upset about this. Kids have begun to fake their age to get onto the site. Personally, I think that if Instagram heard about this, they wouldn't like it. So, to be fair, Instagram should be able to share their program with many people, including tweens.

The author's comments:

I want many people to be able to use social media in a fun and well, social, way, and this shows why.

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